Why arent these cards seeing play?
Standard forum
Posted on April 19, 2016, 9:46 p.m. by CheeseBro
I have a list of SOI cards that i thought would see standard play and some arent seeing play! Why are some of these not seeing play?
All of these cards seem like good cards. Why dont they see play?
CharlesMandore says... #3
Well, probably because there are other cards that accomplish a similar function with better results.
April 19, 2016 9:51 p.m.
Hanweir - sees play in sideboards
heir of falkenrath - there isnt a deck to support it
lightning axe - sees play in UR goggles which is a real deck
dual shot - sucks in the current meta have it on turn one or it does nothing
rabid bite - there are better removal spells you need a creature for this to work and yours has to be bigger plus people are going wide so one removal spell isnt enough
fiery temper - sees play in UR goggles
dead weight - just kind of sucks there are better removal spells ESPECIALLy in black like grasp and ultimate price
pack guardian - honestly too slow people would rather play coco on 4
April 19, 2016 9:53 p.m.
Militia Captain is played in the sideboard of W Humans which is understandable, you don't want to play her if they can remove her easily. She's best when you can let her get out of hand.
Heir, Fiery Temper, and Lightning Axe would both go in the BR Vamps deck, but that deck is stuck between the speed of Wx Humans and the stability of Bant CoCo mid game.
Dual Shot doesn't do much and it does less if they only have one creature. It might be okay in the side against Wx Humans, but why not reach for a sweeper or something if you're in your sideboard.
G seems to be biggest in WG Humans which doesn't gain anything from a one-sided fight. They're rather just go wider. GR ramp would rather use Kozilek's return to nuke the board, I think.
Dead Weight doesn't deal with the go-wide and token strategies well. People would rather be able to kill the big things that make the decks scary.
Pack Guardian doesn't have a place in a Green deck right now and having to pitch a land for a token usually isn't a winning proposition. There are much better turn 4 plays like CoCo.
April 19, 2016 9:58 p.m.
UpperDeckerTaco says... #6
I'm running a B/R Madness Burn deck utilizing Heir of Falkenrath Flip, Fiery Temper and Lightning Axe. The deck I've built doesn't care about Bant CoCo or Humans because I can move just as fast and go just as big and have a ton of reach and evasion. Check it out.
April 19, 2016 11:25 p.m.
Lightning Axe and Fiery Temper both see play in my meta together.
I am running Dead Weight alongside Grasp of Darkness. It works better than most people would guess.
April 20, 2016 4:56 p.m. Edited.
GreenYawgmoth says... #8
tl,dr: Because most of those cards are good for draft, not constructed.
Captain sees SB play but is really easy to kill, and without being able to guarantee she'll flip next upkeep she's just a white bear.
Heir/axe/temper are all cards that you'd really expect to play well together but despite being pushed harder than a suspicious white baggie in midtown, BR madness vampires isn't all that good.
Dual Shot/Pack Guardian: draft fodder at best. DS I'd expect to see table because there's barely any x/1 creatures in the format.
Dead Weight sees some play in some controlly delirium decks but it's one of those things you really want to drop early or never see. Again, the problem is that so many creatures follow the Sir Mix-a-lot mantra.
DrFunk27 says... #2
Because we are less than 4 weeks into the new standard format....everyone is jamming what works. Wait until Origins rotates. Changes will be made.
April 19, 2016 9:51 p.m.