Why is Mutavault good?
Standard forum
Posted on July 31, 2013, 5:05 p.m. by SpaderAce
Whats so good about Mutavault in standard?
IAmKingTony says... #3
It's good with Slivers and in kitchen table standard Dragons
It's a "creature" that dodges sweepers
However it's also a land that can turn any removal spell into land destruction
I dunno, I just don't get the hype.
July 31, 2013 5:09 p.m.
not unblocked, but since u just wrathed essentially unblocked.
July 31, 2013 5:09 p.m.
It is a threat that survives wrath effects, it increases your threat density without decreasing the density of your supporting spells, it can support tribal strategies if they are valid, and it gives you something to do with your mana if you have a wonky opening curve.
July 31, 2013 5:12 p.m.
It really requires the right deck to go with it. man-lands like this are best used in full/true control decks than midrange or some aggro decks (not 'tribal'). Going back to control is designed to leverage Mutavault , Haunted Plate Mail and Gideon, Champion of Justice in a control shell as an example.
July 31, 2013 5:17 p.m.
Legacy and Modern Merfolk tribal put Mutavault to great use as it receives all the Merfolk anthem. Swings after a wipe. Enters untapped (usually important in a man-land). Lots of things. There is a reason that this promo version is worth almost $600 while other promos of the same type can be worth as little as $3.
July 31, 2013 5:30 p.m.
That makes sense i guess. I thought the reason would be because then you can essentially have 24 lands but 40 spells in a 60 card deck since the vault would be a creature also. But that wouldn't be worth as much as it is. It seems best in control or tribal, that is true. But about stuff that survives wrath, just use AEtherling in my opinion
July 31, 2013 5:30 p.m.
Eh, its value has dipped in the last 15 days by about $50. Still ridiculously priced. :P
July 31, 2013 5:31 p.m.
Thing is that Mutavault doesn't cost 6 and is traditionally uncounterable and costs you no mana to dodge board-wipes which means it comes out ages ahead of AEtherling . Not to impinge upon AEtherling 's usability of course.
July 31, 2013 5:34 p.m.
Yeah, but even the regular one is expensive. And for cards like Champion of the Parish , does Mutavault activate the human trigger every time you make him a creature?
July 31, 2013 5:34 p.m.
No, as Mutavault is not entering the battlefield as a Human. Its merely becoming a creature.
July 31, 2013 5:40 p.m.
:( Thats what i was expecting. Oh well, i probably wont get any Mutavault s so I dont need to worry too much about why it's good. It does go in the graveyard though if it dies, right?
July 31, 2013 5:43 p.m.
I expected that. Thanks everyone for the responses, i have a better idea of the card now
July 31, 2013 5:47 p.m.
It's a tribal, and a control card.
I'm a control player, and having access to a cheap guy that doesn't take spell slots, and can live through a wipe, is amazing. During zendikar, I was packing 3 to 6 manlands in every control build. This doesn't color fix, actually color dilutes, which is a little sad, but you can bet I'm going to be packing 2 or 3 of these in any control build I make.
July 31, 2013 8:35 p.m.
bobsbarricades says... #19
I'm just a noob. But for boardwipe, which costs usually 4CMC, wouldn't ::dread statuary:: prove superior? just in that instance though I guess.
no idea how to autocard
May 5, 2014 5:01 p.m.
It's not just boardwipes, it's any sorcery speed (Dreadbore , Pillar of Flame , etc.) removal provided you don't use it to block on your opponent's turn. It also gives a lot of decks something to do with their mana when they start getting too much of it, filling a similar niche that Cursed Scroll used to have.
@bobsbarricades: To link cards, type:
[ [ CARDNAME ] ]
...without the spaces. So for Dread Statuary , you type:
[ [ Dread Statuary ] ]
...giving you:
Behgz says... #2
it can animate after wrath effects and get in for 2 unblocked. or u can do the stupid Descendants' Path thing with any creature type.
July 31, 2013 5:09 p.m.