why was piting needle never mainboarded?
Standard forum
Posted on Feb. 1, 2014, 1:15 p.m. by Sagi007
Pithing Needle does so much and so few decks where it cant to anything. as i see it its worst against aggro but even then you can simply name Mutavault (if memory serves lot of em played it)
MBD you could name Pack Rat or Swamp to stop their Underworld Connections
MUD still has thassa/mutavault/jace
Planeswalkers AEtherling (realy a landed AEtherling is pretty much a deathsentence)
Still i have only seen 1 person ever play it mainboard ever and no it wassnt me. so why?
Sagi007, I really like the idea of running one mainboard. This obviously depends on your deck, but there are very few match-ups that it is dead and/or you don't want to bring it in for game two. I have not tried it, but that is because I have been following conventional wisdom.
February 1, 2014 6:17 p.m.
Quadsimotto says... #4
I ran it main board in a land denial deck and the guy gave me shit about it until the second and third game when what i needed to side in was NOT the needle. Turn one and two of game two left his domri and mutavualt pretty weak. and game three turn one domri again. shut him down pretty effectively. I have always wondered why people only run it in the side especially with so many relying on the Aetherling or walkers as win cons.
Smith_and_Tonic says... #2
Its still too conditional of a card to be played. If you draw it in your opening hand, you wouldn't know what to name until later in the game. If Pithing Needle is left as a sideboard card, you can have it in your opening hand and know what to name when you play it on turn 1. Its a case of maximizing what you know. Why would you have the card mainboard if you have no idea what another person's deck is? It is a much better sideboard card.
February 1, 2014 1:23 p.m.