Wingmate Roc or Butcher of the Horde in a Mardu Midrange?

Standard forum

Posted on Oct. 19, 2014, 12:58 a.m. by BGLENN68

Currently I am adjusting my decklist for a Mardu Midrange and am having some trouble. I run 4 Goblin Rabblemaster in the deck, and I don't know if Wingmate Roc works better with Rabblemaster, or if Butcher of the Horde does. Should I run one over the other, or should I run copies of both? I already have a few Stormbreath Dragon in there as well.

VampireArmy says... #2

I'd go with butcher. He works whether you have a strong board it not. Roc tends to need help or it's trigger losses value.

October 19, 2014 1:09 a.m.

Osang says... #3

I really like Wingmate Roc for its value and ability to dodge Elspeth, Sun's Champion and stuff but I am leaning towards Butcher of the Horde here in a Mardu shell with Goblin Rabblemaster .

October 19, 2014 1:14 a.m.

VampireArmy says... #4

Before i forget, this should be in deck help

October 19, 2014 1:16 a.m.

capriom85 says... #5

Butcher of the Horde . Wingmate Roc is cool, but again, you need to have something to swing with in order to make it worth while. Butcher is value on his own.

October 19, 2014 1:21 a.m.

BGLENN68 says... #6

Maybe I'll put Wingmate Roc in the sideboard for things like Elspeth. Thank you all for the feedback! I'll put in some more Butchers.

October 19, 2014 1:36 a.m.

TheRedDude says... #7

yeh, this belongs in deck help

October 19, 2014 8:01 a.m.

Quadsimotto says... #8

the butcher may have more a demand for specific mana needs but comes out for one less. I would opt for the butcher just to have him hit the table a turn sooner. Not to mention he does so much. The roc gives you two creatures but you have to attack the same turn making you wait to cast him until your second main for him to be really valuable. He gains life but so does the demon. For me i would say the deciding factor are haste and vigilance. Vigilance on a beat stick with flying is just the tits.

October 19, 2014 10:17 a.m.

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