Wonkiest Standard Wins? - Any Standard
Standard forum
Posted on April 5, 2019, 1:08 a.m. by Last_Laugh
Looking for the wonkiest and weirdest ways you've won a game of standard.
My own story was during Return to Ravnica standard and I ran a Mardu creature-based midrange homebrew I'd put together that utilized creatures like High Priest of Penance , Boros Reckoner , and Vampire Nighthawk to stall the early game and to get in chip damage. Undying Evil and Boros Charm were my only non-creature spells.
My opponent was at 10 life and I was facing down 3x 8/8 vigilance tokens from Grove of the Guardian (and populate) and 2x 2/2 vigilance tokens that were all getting +3+3 from Collective Blessing . This was the first turn my opponent could go wide enough to ignore my only creature. All I have on my end is an untapped Boros Reckoner and I'm at 12 life.
I'd actually been waiting for this moment, I cast Boros Charm targetting one of my opponents 11/11 tokens... to give it doublestrike, block it, and redirect the first strike portion of the damage to his face before normal combat damage ever happened.
My opponent was butthurt to say the least, but the initial 'wtf just happened' look was priceless.
I honestly can't think of any atm in terms of standard, however let me share something from a 4 player commander game like 3 years ago. I use to play a Vorel of the Hull Clade deck (was my first edh deck built) and about halfway through the match I had a 6/6 Sphinx of Magosi out that I was using for a blocker. Me and one other friend were the most in the lead over the other two when it came to board states, meanwhile one of my opponents was stuck on 2 lands and a Rakdos Signet and had begun to discard to hand size for like 5 times around the table. I went to combat with the Sphinx of Magosi a few turns later when I had it as an 8/8 vs my friend who was the only significant threat at the time besides me. Also, because I had nothing else to do whatsoever that turn, I just used the effect on my turn to make it a 9/9. He decided to let the damage go through as he had 40 health still. Then completely out of the blue, my opponent that I mentioned who wasn't able to do like anything up until that point in the match cast a Tainted Strike for lethal. The look of surprise from everyone was amazing.
Writing all of that out, I actually thought of one that was standard related. I will try my best to recall it all as it got a bit much. Once on a game of arena back when it was just Ixalan block, I was playing a deck that was basically vampire tribal with a decent amount of removal. I played a Bishop of Binding which my opponent immediately chose to exile on my endstep with Cast Out and I couldn't do anything at the time about it. But a few turns later, I played my own Cast Out on his Cast Out to get my Bishop of Binding and exile whatever target I chose once again. He followed this up on his turn with another 2nd Cast Out targeting my copy of Cast Out so that he could get back his first copy of Cast Out to exile my Bishop of Binding again. Then I managed to play a second Cast Out of my own not long after and you get the idea i'm sure by now,to get my Bishop of Binding yet again. My opponent would follow suit with another Cast Out and repeat the process again and what I did this time was play an Ixalan's Binding that I drew which made my opponent quit immediately lol.
April 5, 2019 1:44 a.m.
I don’t have any for standard, but I did have a win st Guilds of Ravnica Prerelease that was pretty wonderful.
I was playing a removal heavy Dimir deck, they were playing Golgari with large creatures. They dropped a Underrealm Lich on curve, and proceeded to soft through their deck to find and play some threatening cards. I kept removing his non-lich creatures, but he gloated and said I was only staving off the inevitable.
What he didn’t know, I had an Artful Takedown sitting in my hand from the beginning of the game. I might not have been able to get a threatening board stage to win, but I knew if I held off long enough, I would win.
He goes down to Zero with the lich, and plays sufficient creatures to win on his next turn. He says good game.
I hit his lich with -2/-4, killing it in a manner indestructible could not prevent. With the replacement effect no longer on play, on his draw he loses the game due to self-inflicted mill.
They were flabbergasted once the realised all the chump blocking with my useful creatures was not a series of poor decisions - decisions they sometimes asked if I wanted to take back - but a dedicated strategy to survive the numner of turns necessary for the mill to work.
April 5, 2019 2:45 a.m.
I was playing a mono blue artifact/token deck revolving around Sai, Master Thopterist and Sigiled Sword of Valeron .. my opponent was playing an izzet control deck using Crackling Drake and super friends Jaya Ballard and Ral, Izzet Viceroy .... the game dragged on and on and on.... he had me beat soundly by T10ish probably yet he just kept dragging it out and filling his graveyards to I guess one shot me with is drake.... but as it turned out he ran out of cards.... so I won in the end but i know i didn't really win.
April 5, 2019 11:52 a.m.
drpeppercan says... #6
Every single win with my old Shared Fate deck which ran zero win-cons and instead used theirs. Sure it didn't fare well against the affinity decks of the time, but it got plenty of laughs on both sides.
Last_Laugh says... #2
Needless 2nd post... realized I could edit and correct my ducking phones auto carrot (I did that on purpose... but seriously, that's what it feels like sometimes).
April 5, 2019 1:09 a.m. Edited.