TappedOut MTG Forum
GIFT TOKENS!! (Closed)
Trade binder (Closed)
All cards appearing as unknown (Closed)
Temples not showing up in Mana pie? (Closed)
Adding people to voucher (Closed)
Username Customization Update? (Closed)
Card Pricing Inacuracy (Closed)
Planechase - Missing cards (Closed)
help a geezer (Closed)
MTG: Commander code is CMD (Closed)
Commander Banlist Incorrect (Closed)
html links (Closed)
issue... (Closed)
simulator issue? (Closed)
Sudden loss of rank? (Closed)
Top 100 (Closed)
New feature suggestion! (Closed)
How do I show a card in a comment (Closed)
Enchantment Creatures (Closed)
Prices (Closed)
Main Page "Top 8" issue. (Closed)
[[Turn // Burn]].... black? (Closed)
Turn / Burn inaccurately labeled (Closed)
Felhide Minotaur mispelled (Closed)
Valakut marked as illegal in Modern (Closed)
Consolidated Missing Token Thread (Closed)
Card Avatar (Closed)
Noob question. Plz help (Closed)
Missing hubs! (Closed)
Why can't we use single line breaks? (Closed)
Any pointers on using the site? (Closed)
Help with trade binders please (Closed)
artifact equipment (Closed)
Text color? (Closed)
How to change from deckling? (Closed)
Username Bug.. (Closed)
How to test my deck? (Closed)
Orge Battledriver/Act of Treason (Closed)
Adding Theros Cards Thanks (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Site Hacked?
- "GC" symbol after some cards
- Custom Earthrumbler card
- Please add Heroes of the Realm cards to the database
- *SOLVED* Do Flip Cards Count as 2?
- Adding brackets to commander decks
- Custom card type groups?
- Pls add Unknown Event cards
- my missing decks
- Commanders not showing up when playtesting Custom Decks