TappedOut MTG Forum
Portal Second Age card links (Closed)
upgraded wrong account (Closed)
how do you playtest a deck (Closed)
Xathrid Necromancer (Closed)
post 12? (Closed)
Angelic accord needs Tokens (Closed)
Imposing Sovereign = Illegal? (Closed)
how do you make a deck (Closed)
Vouched for setting (Closed)
When does a name color change apply? (Closed)
Names (Closed)
Spoiler tag (Closed)
Red Notification button broken. (Closed)
What is Deck cycling (Closed)
Token generation in playtester (Closed)
Random ads on playtester? (Closed)
Zendikar lands not working. (Closed)
Soulmender (Closed)
Username Settings in Settings? (Closed)
My Decks Still Arent Deleted! (Closed)
Scores (Closed)
Wrong image for m14 [[angelic wall]] (Closed)
Savage Summoning link (Closed)
Two questions... (Closed)
Html work (Closed)
Rearranging Profile decks (Closed)
How to be a deckster (Closed)
TappedOut & M14 - Help Needed (Closed)
mindsparker (Closed)
Can I delete updates on my deck? (Closed)
just upgraded (Closed)
Deck doesn't show up in search (Closed)
Changing your Username (Closed)
Subsciptions (Closed)
Soulmender CMC wrong (Closed)
How do I link decks and cards? (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Site Hacked?
- "GC" symbol after some cards
- Custom Earthrumbler card
- Please add Heroes of the Realm cards to the database
- *SOLVED* Do Flip Cards Count as 2?
- Adding brackets to commander decks
- Custom card type groups?
- Pls add Unknown Event cards
- my missing decks
- Commanders not showing up when playtesting Custom Decks