TappedOut MTG Forum
Linking a Deck (Closed)
More Deckcycles (Closed)
Ideas for new hubs (Closed)
Search by Price (Closed)
Card similarity search engine?? (Closed)
Deck and card value (Closed)
nonexistant 0 cmc colorless cards (Closed)
Mobile Nav Bar (Closed)
Deck is Wonked Out (Closed)
How To Make Glowing Name? (Closed)
Deck Formatting help (Closed)
illegal card (Closed)
Where did the playtester go? (Closed)
Changes to inventory and actstream (Closed)
How Do you Make a Trade Binder? (Closed)
Draft Sim - Modern Masters (Closed)
TappedOut t-shirts in size fat. (Closed)
Formatting cards in Deck Builder (Closed)
Trade Binder Notifications (Closed)
set abbreviations? (Closed)
What in the sam hell is this? (Closed)
Deckcyling... broken? (Closed)
5 pack drafts (Closed)
A couple of requests (Closed)
Planeswalker bug (Closed)
Getting a trade removed (Closed)
Cards with missing Tags (Closed)
upgrading your account (Closed)
Drafting problems (Closed)
Need Help with the Deckbuilder (Closed)
top 8 is not working properly (Closed)
Tapped Put doesn't recognize J,MA (Closed)
notification emails... new to me (Closed)
Feature Tokens beware (Closed)
Tracking System? (Closed)
Putting fuse cards in a deck (Closed)
how to delete a event and a shop (Closed)
Formatting help (Closed)
Playtester HIdden Hand (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Custom Earthrumbler card
- Please add Heroes of the Realm cards to the database
- *SOLVED* Do Flip Cards Count as 2?
- Adding brackets to commander decks
- Custom card type groups?
- Pls add Unknown Event cards
- my missing decks
- Commanders not showing up when playtesting Custom Decks
- Cube Draft Alters
- Ignore maybeboard for calculations