TappedOut MTG Forum
Binder Feature (Closed)
Suggestion: Copy card (Closed)
Auto-subscribe to questions you ask. (Closed)
Suggestion: TappedOut IPhone App (Closed)
Suggestion: Clean up Inventory (Closed)
Magic Player Reward setabbreviation? (Closed)
Quick question (Closed)
Request: Smart Card Entry Feature (Closed)
comments tutorial (Closed)
Pack rat tokens (Closed)
Make Text a Certain Color (Closed)
bug : enter the infinite (Closed)
Tokens (Closed)
Binder becoming public? (Closed)
Functionality Question (Closed)
Newbie Confusion (Closed)
New to Site...Questions? (Closed)
Playtester Mayor of Avabruck (Closed)
A few little questions. (Closed)
Playtester Next turn Button issue (Closed)
Site Help (Closed)
Link bug on Deck Builder page (Closed)
Modern* (Closed)
[[reaper king]] page error (Closed)
Stop following a deck...? (Closed)
I cant make decks... (Closed)
Top decks of all time? (Closed)
Recent Changes? (Closed)
Trade Binder Question (Closed)
I'd like to offer a public apology. (Closed)
Deck problem in playtester? (Closed)
Promo (Closed)
Competitive Deck Area (Closed)
Can you Change your username? (Closed)
Export deck to MTGO (Closed)
Adding Cards to Decks (Closed)
Generate Suggestions (Closed)
How does Tappedout get card images? (Closed)
Can anyone write an article? (Closed)
Heads up! Please ask MTG Rules questions in the MTG Q&A Rules section
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Recently Added
- Please add Heroes of the Realm cards to the database
- *SOLVED* Do Flip Cards Count as 2?
- Adding brackets to commander decks
- Custom card type groups?
- Pls add Unknown Event cards
- my missing decks
- Commanders not showing up when playtesting Custom Decks
- Cube Draft Alters
- Ignore maybeboard for calculations
- How do I end my $3/month supporter status?