TappedOut MTG Forum
How do I edit my deck? (Closed)
Cube Drafting Suggestion (Closed)
Card picture on deck builder title (Closed)
Adding pictures using html code? (Closed)
New user looking for clarification. (Closed)
Newb help (Closed)
Playtest and tokens (Closed)
if you upgrade (Closed)
Deck versioning (Closed)
Can't log in through facebook (Closed)
Inventory Suggestion (Closed)
Why can you not type the GBP sign? (Closed)
Deckbuilder Bug (Closed)
Prototype decks? (Closed)
Support for Collections (Closed)
Is there a way to tell (Closed)
Site Improvements (Closed)
Commands on tappedout? (Closed)
Solo Draft Help (Closed)
Drafting Broken (Closed)
Rakdos slug (Closed)
auto-drafting Q. (Closed)
How to show that a card is foi? (Closed)
Problem with my Cube (Closed)
How to get an article posted (Closed)
Improved Draft Bots (Closed)
How to link a deck? (Closed)
How do you colour/highlight text? (Closed)
Username Customization (Closed)
my play tester on my ps3. help? (Closed)
Top Rated Decks (Closed)
An Idea for community cards (Closed)
Help (Closed)
Help (Closed)
Blue creature retrieval in Standard (Closed)
Illegal Pauper Cards? (Closed)
Check out the new forums! (Closed)
draft simulator, question. (Closed)
Pictures (Closed)
A Trade (Closed)
Tagging your Decks? (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Please add Heroes of the Realm cards to the database
- *SOLVED* Do Flip Cards Count as 2?
- Adding brackets to commander decks
- Custom card type groups?
- Pls add Unknown Event cards
- my missing decks
- Commanders not showing up when playtesting Custom Decks
- Cube Draft Alters
- Ignore maybeboard for calculations
- How do I end my $3/month supporter status?