TappedOut MTG Forum
It doesn't Exist? (Closed)
Does it bother anyone else? (Closed)
Mobile App (Closed)
[Draft Sim] The chat box is broken? (Closed)
Draft Simulator (Closed)
Activity Cap (Closed)
+/- buttons for trade binder, please (Closed)
trade binder unviewable (Closed)
Trade Binder still unviewable (Closed)
Site Suggestions (Closed)
Newbie issues (Closed)
Login Problems (Closed)
Login? (Closed)
Cards with Errors (Closed)
Nice logo (Closed)
Acct E-mail (Closed)
problem with refreshing deck (Closed)
"Like"/"Favorite" Button? (Closed)
Facebook Connect Issue (Closed)
Looking even better! (Closed)
Solo Draft (Closed)
Search funktion (newb help) (Closed)
Export Cube (Closed)
How to make a trade binder (Closed)
My Profile Page (Closed)
Featured Deck Changes (Closed)
Can't post on decks (Closed)
Pauper Deck search (Closed)
Defender Deck Hub (Closed)
How can I change my location? (Closed)
drafting working? (Closed)
Two proposed changes. (Closed)
Known issues page (Closed)
Can't Update my cube (Closed)
RSS-Feed for #actstream (Closed)
Upgrading Removing Ads (Closed)
Stupid question... (Closed)
Werewolf G/R Help plz! (Closed)
Draft pick data (Closed)
advanced search broken (Closed)
Revised Island imagine not on site (Closed)
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Recently Added
- *SOLVED* Do Flip Cards Count as 2?
- Adding brackets to commander decks
- Custom card type groups?
- Pls add Unknown Event cards
- my missing decks
- Commanders not showing up when playtesting Custom Decks
- Cube Draft Alters
- Ignore maybeboard for calculations
- How do I end my $3/month supporter status?
- Unable to send password reset to email.