TappedOut MTG Forum
Playtester Not loading (Closed)
Very weird Q&A Topic (Closed)
Cube Data (Closed)
Noble Format (Closed)
Printable export broken (Closed)
Trade Binder Error (Closed)
Question/suggestions for draft sim (Closed)
New Vouching System/Trade Initiation (Closed)
Foil Cards (Closed)
Binder page 404 (Closed)
Block constructed (Closed)
Tappedout Tournament Update (Closed)
Show promo cards (Closed)
Vouching for Others (Closed)
Notification Bug? (Closed)
deckcylcing sugestion (Closed)
Binder not showing (Closed)
Basic lands? (Closed)
Trading 2.0 (Closed)
Log in issues (Closed)
Deck Hubs idea (Closed)
Mixed up Color Pies (Closed)
Comment Edit Button (Closed)
Deck based on two deck (Closed)
Feature Suggestion: Combos (Closed)
Custom Cards (Closed)
better link to the community sets? (Closed)
Password change? (Closed)
Ranking Up (Closed)
Prototype Decks (Closed)
Kozilek, Butcher of Truth (Closed)
X Spell CMC (Closed)
Chavest (Closed)
High Cost Creatures (Closed)
Notification suggestion? (Closed)
Changing e-mail adress (Closed)
Plumeveil (Closed)
Notifications RSS Feed Request (Closed)
Delete a comment (Closed)
Deck Views Please (Closed)
Another deck edit trouble (Closed)
Playtest Trouble? (Closed)
Export to MTGO (Closed)
*cough* Official Card Tags (Closed)
Wrong CMC (Closed)
Heads up! Please ask MTG Rules questions in the MTG Q&A Rules section
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Recently Added
- *SOLVED* Do Flip Cards Count as 2?
- Adding brackets to commander decks
- Custom card type groups?
- Pls add Unknown Event cards
- my missing decks
- Commanders not showing up when playtesting Custom Decks
- Cube Draft Alters
- Ignore maybeboard for calculations
- How do I end my $3/month supporter status?
- Unable to send password reset to email.