TappedOut MTG Forum
Cards Not Showing Proper CMC's (Closed)
Images are broken in deck updates. (Closed)
Card Suggestion Feature Missing? (Closed)
A legality update soon? (Closed)
Draft sim is bugged (Closed)
Missing BFZ card on tapped out (Closed)
Deck legality shown wrong (Closed)
different versions of the same card. (Closed)
New Deck timelines (Closed)
Cube - Drafting more than 3 packs (Closed)
Kor Entanglers missing from database (Closed)
Has This Happened To Anyone Else? (Closed)
BFZ cards missing "trade" option (Closed)
Not sure how to explain this (Closed)
Steam Account Link (Closed)
Suggestions not showing up (Closed)
Wanted: New Playtester Feedback (Closed)
Kor Entanglers Missing (Closed)
Mouse Hover Card Image Gone? (Closed)
How Do I add a Friend? (Closed)
Card Hosting + Bandwith? (Closed)
Custom Categories Ordering (Closed)
Can't add certain cards to my decks (Closed)
Advert explosion. (Closed)
Never Mind (Closed)
BFZ in Draft Sim (Closed)
Missing Card (Closed)
Playtesting Issue (Closed)
Wrong Bloodfire (Closed)
Heads up! Please ask MTG Rules questions in the MTG Q&A Rules section
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