TappedOut MTG Forum
Garruk Relentless need Fix (Closed)
Weird bug with Custom Categories (Closed)
Tab Description (Closed)
Draft Sim Down Again (Closed)
Inventory / Sync (Closed)
Can't deck cycle, *fixed? (Closed)
Custom deck Visual Spoiler bug? (Closed)
Decks aren't publishing. (Closed)
sooooo... whats going on? (Closed)
#FreetheMeta (Closed)
Found a Little Bug. Squish it. (Closed)
My deck will not show (Closed)
Glitch with Mutagenic Growth (Closed)
Draft Sim Down Entirely (Closed)
Mysterious numbers are on my decks. (Closed)
Upvoting your own decks- why? (Closed)
How do you cycle decks!? (Closed)
Set code abbreviations Index? (Closed)
Trading (Closed)
Draft Sim Not Working Well (Closed)
deck folders (Closed)
Unhinged cards in KTK? (Closed)
Suggestion: Tagging Card Nicknames (Closed)
Upload deck via URL? (Closed)
Moderators and Private Messages? (Closed)
So, Supporter Upgrade? (Closed)
Help with inventory mechanics (Closed)
Playtesting? (Closed)
Library missing Teneb (CMD) (Closed)
How do I join the forum? (Closed)
Editing a Post (Closed)
Cards missing keyword categories. (Closed)
Downvotes? (Closed)
please delete (Closed)
Ætherize not in the Library. (Closed)
Draft Sim Lag/Bugs? (Closed)
Fire/Ice syntax (Closed)
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