TappedOut MTG Forum
Love the new price hover! (Closed)
Help with login (Closed)
add friends (Closed)
Malicious links? (Closed)
Deckcycling is being weird... (Closed)
Making Trade Interactions Better (Closed)
Lost Thread (Closed)
Where is Vintage? (Closed)
Problem with spoilers (Closed)
Draft / Log In Glitch (Closed)
Can't change username color? (Closed)
Display on the Decks page (Closed)
The best time to DeckCycle (Closed)
How Do I Make an Update? (Closed)
Draft Completion bugged it seems (Closed)
Draft sim: what the potato? (Closed)
what set are the lands from (Closed)
Card edition not found. (Closed)
Missing Promo (Closed)
Trouble adding cards to inventory (Closed)
Printing tab not working? (Closed)
Account Questions (Closed)
Password Change? (Closed)
Suggestion! (Closed)
"problem" with the app (Closed)
Downtime/Maintenance Tracker (Closed)
Ornithopers, Ornithopters everywhere (Closed)
ornithopters invading my life. (Closed)
How to create deck folders (Closed)
"Folder have" not working? (Closed)
binder probs (Closed)
Where does the foil price come from? (Closed)
Draft Simulator errors (Closed)
Rules regarding deck hubs (Closed)
Attack of the Notifications! (Closed)
can you delete 1 comment? (Closed)
Mass deleting decks? (Closed)
Inventory Issues (Closed)
Altered Commander (Closed)
New edit feature? (Closed)
PSA: Read before you post. (Closed)
Adding Address for Trade (Closed)
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