TappedOut MTG Forum
Binder Not Generating Matches (Closed)
M12 prices missing? (Closed)
Trade Binder (Closed)
[[ Burnished Hart]] (Closed)
Why no more Player of the Month? (Closed)
Minor Folder Suggestion (Closed)
HTML idk what im doing (Closed)
I Can't Edit Pack Shape (Closed)
Minor bug with color recognition (Closed)
"Unknown" card type (Closed)
report a bug (Closed)
can't access my deck (Closed)
Promo sets? (Closed)
The Deck Help Forum (Closed)
Deckcycles and Rank-Ups (Closed)
Deck Folder Gaps (Closed)
The State of the Community (Closed)
Wasted a Token (Closed)
Color Radar (Closed)
Stuff not reseting/refreshing (Closed)
OK so about the app.... (Closed)
Customize name help (Closed)
Deckspert Tag (Closed)
Is this possible? (Closed)
Spoilers (Closed)
[[Kapsho Kitefins]] (Closed)
Clone legion isn't banned is it? (Closed)
I think there may be a card missing. (Closed)
what the f*** is a deckspert? (Closed)
Option to Set Comments Per Page? (Closed)
I believe you are missing a card... (Closed)
Get suggestions? (Closed)
DTK Legality (Closed)
How to make cards promo. (Closed)
How do I view a trade offer? (Closed)
Missing From Calculation (Closed)
Permanent Custom Categories? (Closed)
Card Rarity Inaccuracy (Closed)
Can't Invite Players to Draft (Closed)
Card Name Inaccuracy (Closed)
How do I reset the comment section? (Closed)
what makes someone a decks pert? (Closed)
Customize Username (Closed)
Command Tower price (Closed)
Playtester Feature Suggestions (Closed)
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