TappedOut MTG Forum
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Zendikar land formatting (Closed)
Trying to learn Formatting (Closed)
Need help team! Formatting issue. (Closed)
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Play Tester Freeze (Closed)
Copying Decks (Closed)
Blocked my self (Closed)
Can't access my trade binder (Closed)
Accessing Saved Decks (Closed)
T/O Rank? (Closed)
Colorless Color Wheel (Closed)
Problem with Facebook connect (Closed)
HTML Help (Closed)
+1s on deck not showing up (Closed)
Rank/Points (Closed)
Vintage? (Closed)
Deck Picture? (Closed)
More Decks/Feedback (Closed)
TappedOut App? (Closed)
Copy deck feature down? (Closed)
Legacy legality? (Closed)
why was tappedout down? (Closed)
little mana wheel (Closed)
New Deck (Closed)
Advent of the Wurm Token (Closed)
Fix Card Feature (Closed)
Question time (Closed)
Deckcycles broken? (Closed)
Missing hubs (Closed)
How to choose Card sets? (Closed)
Can't Deckcycle (Closed)
Deckcycles? (Closed)
Playtest Tokens (Closed)
Site Problems? (Closed)
Idea with the Chat (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Site Hacked?
- "GC" symbol after some cards
- Custom Earthrumbler card
- Please add Heroes of the Realm cards to the database
- *SOLVED* Do Flip Cards Count as 2?
- Adding brackets to commander decks
- Custom card type groups?
- Pls add Unknown Event cards
- my missing decks
- Commanders not showing up when playtesting Custom Decks