About the Competitive Meter
TappedOut forum
Posted on Oct. 4, 2019, 4:44 p.m. by LordBlackblade
I've been seeing quite a few posts about the competitive meter lately. I think a lot of users (especially newer ones) are putting a lot of (too much) stock in it. It is generally accepted that it is a work-in-progress. As such, could we put up a stickied post to that effect so the user base is more well-informed? If such already exists, feel free to disregard this.
It was forced on awhile ago so they could gather data and while it isn't a "at 100% competitive you literally can't lose a game" accurate, or even "at 100% competitive this is definitely something you should attend a gp with" outside of trying to cheese it on purpose it does kind of put you closer to the ballpark of what to expect. So it does it's job about as well as one can expect, the next level of it would be what, compare the decklist to mtggoldfish's meta pages and see how closely it compares to a deck that has put up results in that format?
Now I do agree some kind of guide image to explain a deck page could be helpful, but like how the end of almost every page with a comment box on the site having a comment tutorial button it's unlikely people will look at it.
October 5, 2019 1:58 a.m.
LordBlackblade says... #4
shadow63: It is a site feature, and a lot of work went into it (I would assume), so I don't think ditching it is actually the right answer. It can be useful if you look at it correctly.
Demarge: I think that's the biggest thing. It is something you need to take with more than a few grains of salt. I've seen a lot (like a LOT) of posts the last couple of weeks where people are super concerned about the meter. I just think some kind of disclaimer or something would help people understand what it is there for. Like you said though, getting people to read such a thing, not gonna hold my breath on that one.
October 5, 2019 2:04 a.m.
LordBlackblade The issue with it is that you currently cannot disable the feature and a lot of people don't want to see it on their decks. From what I understand, the data it uses is based on a lower CMC yielding higher competitive rating, while a higher CMC starts skewing it in more of a casual range. Similarly, the price of cards seem to affect this too. A high price of cards or decks will bring the competitive meter up, and a low price will affect the casual rating. I know people have researched it a bit more, as I think (although I'm not certain), that the meter pings data from EDHREC to also determine and weigh in on this push and pull on the meter.
Regardless, the subjectivity of it leads me to believe that it's not an accurate basis to judge the competitive viability of your deck. I personally wish I could remove the feature from my decklists, but I'm being prevented from doing so still.
October 5, 2019 11:48 a.m.
Dango - According various posts by the people who make the system, the way it supposedly works is by checking your cards against the decks that have been tagged competitive in that particular format, then evaluating what percentage of your cards are competitive staples.
That’s not a bad tool to have, provided you know how to use it. I would say it is pretty easy to get a janky deck to hit 100%, but very, very difficult to get a truly competitive deck under 85%. That at least gives you a benchmark number to aim for; if one’s attempted competitive deck falls below that number, that is a strong indication that there exist better cards your deck could be running.
October 5, 2019 12:08 p.m.
Caerwyn I agree thats it's not a bad tool to have -- Although I really wish I could disable it.
October 5, 2019 12:17 p.m.
TypicalTimmy you can't disable it. The checkbox to disable the feature is grayed out with 'Temporarily disabled' below it as a note. That's why I, as well as many others are annoyed because you cannot manually disable it like you normally would be able to.
October 5, 2019 11:16 p.m.
it was forced on so the site could actually get data on their meter, at worst it's a minor annoyance to see it for your deck, but you can ignore it (actually the feedback here is probably what they were looking for when they forced it on).
October 6, 2019 4:14 a.m.
Is this a Senior Staff Topic? Ah whatever...
Might as well bring this to life again. Recently, as I was cutting my decks, so little of the time, the meter changed percentages. Even removing stuff like Meren of Clan Nel Toth (A staple even now.), & even Noble Hierarch (You know, the infamous Bant based Dork?) changed nothing for my Morophon, the Boundless Human Tribal in the topic of that meter. I suppose I'm the first this time to experience that announced? Both aforementioned cards are HUGE staples in CMDR, & even Noble Hierarch is infamous in several other formats.
I'm starting to believe the Gauge is glitching if two staples this great aren't even changing the Percentage at all. Anyone else having this issue? Even my Morph Deck only left 100% Competitive just once, just to return to it's original state.
Yeah, I know, "TL;DR" crap. Just read it if you need to...
October 20, 2019 6:54 p.m.
All my 100% decks have been reset to 50-80%. Anyone have a 100% deck to share?
November 30, 2019 7:44 a.m.
ThePerilousRealm says... #12
Something is going on with the Competitive Meter for sure. A couple days ago, I was tinkering with my Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund deck. The deck had been stuck at 48% competitive for a long time (improving my mana base bumped it up from 45% to 48% a while back). Then, I deleted a card from the "Maybeboard" and the competitive meter bumped up to 65%. Very strange.
shadow63 says... #2
I think we'd be better off getting rid of it
October 4, 2019 8:17 p.m.