Account deletion
TappedOut forum
Posted on Sept. 1, 2019, 10:20 p.m. by Nasser_inside1
I am now quitting Magic: The Gathering for the greater good. My first steps are eliminating all online sources. Starting with this one, I’m wanting to delete my account and for someone else to take control of my decks.
Art-n-Lutherie says... #3
Hi, how come you’re leaving the world of MTG?
September 1, 2019 11:26 p.m.
Nasser_inside1 says... #4
Well, I got two choices, leave and go, or stay. I chose leave because of pressure, and, as much as a hazard Magic is to my educational life, I could stay, for instance, what encouraged me to do the was because of my mom calling me an addict when I lay out my cards to study a deck, when I started, which was around 10 minutes or so, my mom walked past my room and said, “your addicted.” And that shamed me
September 1, 2019 11:28 p.m.
Nasser_inside1 says... #5
I would love to stay, but it’s a pain not seeing my LGS or the store owner, the owner loves me, and my last day I went to my LGS (a year ago) he was sad that I would be leaving for a long time.
It’s a devestating time here
September 1, 2019 11:29 p.m.
Seconding what ToolmasterOfBrainerdsaid, I’d say just log off the site without deleting your account. I totally understand the need to set things you enjoy aside when the more important things in life just need to get done. Believe me, I’ve been there. But it’s entirely possible that you’ll want to come back to Magic later, so I would avoid going full nuclear.
In any case, I wish you the best of luck with whatever your current situation is. No matter what the outcome may be, remember to not get too down on yourself. Life is good. Keep your head up, even when you feel like you’ve hit rock bottom. And finally, take stock of what’s important to you. Show your loved ones that you care about them. And never stop doing what you love the most, whatever that may be.
Peace, dude.
September 2, 2019 1:37 a.m.
Colonel_Kink says... #7
ok, how much have you spent on magic?
because your mother may have a different view of addiction then an actual psychologist would.
in addition it sounds more like you are lashing out at yourself due to low self esteem. so i ask 3 questions.
whats the longest youve spent away from magic,
how much you spent in total, usually,
how long you spend on magic per week, day.
September 2, 2019 3:59 a.m.
Colonel_Kink says... #8
why i say this is that my wife and family thought i was addicted to first, video games, then internet, then magic.
eventually they learned the truth, that i am autistic and am capable of focusing on one thing to the exclusion of all else. but that i was in fact, not addicted.
second, are you on the spectrum? most people are. if you are then you should see a psychologist, if you arent, i may have you check to see if you are, as i've read through your posts and i think that things arent as they are being presented to you.
also know that you are not alone. if you feel hurt, isolated or low just know that things get better.
September 2, 2019 4:03 a.m.
Nasser_inside1 says... #9
Colonel_Kink the longest was a month since I was visiting my family, usually 30 minutes or so, sometimes on a daily basis, if time permits, and, weekly, I spend it one-four times a week. Now that amount is dwindling because of high school and a lot of events that make me think about them, I.E sympathies for my friends breakup and all.
September 2, 2019 4:10 a.m.
Colonel_Kink says... #10
that aint an addiction. can you survive without doing any magic at all for an entire week? can you occupy your time with other things? it sounds like your mother just doesnt think magic is good at all.
September 2, 2019 5:35 a.m.
ShaDoWz_6677 says... #11
Nasser_inside1 That isn't addiction.
I go to work and I make decklists at work lol. Thats addiction. Your mom sounds like shes the type that didn't approve of the game in the first place. No offense.
It's perfectly fine to take a break from the game. I'll tell you this. Don't sell out, and don't "quit". Just take a break. Put your cards away somewhere you'll remember them. And when your ready to come back to Magic, come back.
From an educational standpoint, Magic is actually BETTER for you. Magic is a critical thinking game that requires making tough decisions in a split second. Something we aren't taught in school.
I've been playing this game for 21 years now, and learned so much more about people, and the world through Magic in part to how complex the game it.
Don't be ashamed of playing Magic or ashamed that you get engrossed in the game. Be proud of that shit man. As long as it doesn't hinder your schooling, who cares.
September 2, 2019 7:24 a.m.
Hope everything works out well for you. Based on what you said here and on your previous related thread, sounds like a break might be the right decision. Magic will always be here waiting for you when you get back!
I am pretty sure yeaGO has a way to temporarily disable your account so you can’t easily access it, but you can recover the account at some point in the future if you decide to come back.
September 2, 2019 12:52 p.m.
Last_Laugh says... #13
It sounds like your Mom needs to be more supportive of a healthy hobby and learn there are consequences for saying hurtful things to psychologically steer a young adult (especially from a role that's typically looked up to by their children).
What you are describing is not addiction... it's mental stimulation and a healthy social outlet for someone your age. If it begins to interfere with work, grades, sleep, rest of your life, etc. then you might have a problem. You seem reflective enough to recognize that in yourself, don't let outside sources guilt you away from something you healthily enjoy.
September 2, 2019 10:35 p.m.
With all due respect you’re final reason for leaving is wrong.
You should not let your moms ignorance and lack of understanding of MtG be your deciding factor.
If MtG is affecting school, sleep, etc then I could understand your choice to quit.
However quitting a game that gets you out and interacting with other people is not something I if I was a parent would ever discourage my kid(s) from doing. Too many young people spend their life playing video games or time on their phone with social media.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #2
Darn. Sad to see you go. I think you can delete your account on your own, but if you do, your decks will be deleted automatically.
You can try to find someone to transfer ownership of your decks to.
There is a case to be made to simply log out and keep the account around. Because at some point you might want to get back into the game, and at that time you'll appreciate having your tappedout account and old decklists still sitting there.
September 1, 2019 11:18 p.m.