App Cycling Bug
TappedOut forum
Posted on Nov. 13, 2015, 4:18 p.m. by ibanner56
Hey yeaGO and others -
I ran into this bug a few days ago and I've been testing it over the past few days to be sure - I don't think the app is always correctly checking against the daily cycling limit. For several days now I've cycled to the limit and if I try to cycle on the website it will give me the error, but if I cycle through the app it won't. I'll cycle through the app and, after getting a confirmation dialog, can go to the front page and see it in the feed.
It seems to be tied to the number of cycles the app thinks I have left. Sometimes, when I open the app up, I'll see that I have 0 cycles left, but other times the app will say I have 1 or more. Often it will tell me I still have all 3. As of right now my app is telling me I have 0 cycles left, but I just cycled one of my decks from my phone earlier this hour without getting an error.
Tl;dr; - There seems to be a transient error with the app in which it doesn't always know how many deck cycles you have left. This allows for cycling beyond the daily max.
Uhh... If you are getting a free deck cycle.... Why bring it up... Just use it and be happy... Seems like a little kid telling his mom he took a cookie after she said no..... Why would anyone do that....
November 13, 2015 4:27 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #4
Nice find. I've heard users remark on the "negative decycles" thing before but was never able to catch the cause. Now we can fix it!
EDIT: And by we I mean yeago.
November 13, 2015 4:29 p.m. Edited.
Femme_Fatale says... #5
Because there are way too many deckcycles occurring Kcin and anything that helps limit them will give the decks that are cycled some actual front page time.
November 13, 2015 4:30 p.m. Edited.
Because I care about the integrity of the site and the app? Because I don't want to get in trouble for using it? Because I don't want other people to get in trouble for using it accidentally? Because it's a bug and should be fixed?
Edit: Ah, Femme got in a response before I could.
November 13, 2015 4:30 p.m. Edited.
those using the app (at least for ios) get an extra deckcycle on the app. last time i pointed this out, yeago said "shhh"
ibanner56 says... #2
Additional proof:
November 13, 2015 4:26 p.m.