Articles, opinion pieces, analysis: Get YOUR writing published here
TappedOut forum
Posted on Feb. 26, 2016, 5:14 a.m. by ChiefBell
Hi everyone,
For those of you who don't know me, I'm ChiefBell and I'm one of the people that helps around this website. Mostly I move threads and delete reposts, but I also publish articles.
I often see people requesting more content, or asking about how to get their own writing published here, and that's why I'm posting this.
If you want to produce a piece of writing for TappedOut here's what you need to do:
Comment on my wall to let me know that you have an idea for an article, or that you've already written something. I will discuss with you the best way to contact me.
Send me the article or idea including three main pieces of information: a title (e.g. Opinions on this standard), a tagline (e.g. Is this standard the best ever?), the main content.
I will post the article in a private deck that I will share with you so that we can make edits together, until we are both happy and ready to publish. I am more than happy to assist with grammar- and spell-checking, content analysis, and more.
Once everything is finalised I will publish the article to the front page of the site.
Questions? Comments?
Also please note that I am not the only one in charge of article publishing. Spootyone in particular can also publish. So if you have any ideas you can approach either of us.
greenkingwashere says... #3
Does the article need to be recurring (like a series) or can it be a one time thing?
February 26, 2016 8:49 a.m.
It does not need to be recurring. 1-ofs are fine (just not in a decklist - bad joke)
February 26, 2016 8:58 a.m.
I'm also up to helping people with commander-related posts.
February 26, 2016 9:52 a.m.
There's an article currently in draft on the subject of edh....
February 26, 2016 10:33 a.m.
Thanks for this. I've been thinking about an article or two. Now that I know how to go about this, I probably will send you a query.
February 26, 2016 10:37 a.m.
I've been thinking of doing a weekly thing so that could be fun...
February 26, 2016 10:57 a.m.
canterlotguardian says... #12
Seeing as I exclusively play EDH nowadays, and as I was already planning on submitting an article or two to begin with, now I just have to come up with what I'm going to write about. Which, let's be honest, is the hardest part. For me, anyways. The actual writing is going to be a cinch. I already practically do it for a living, as is.
February 26, 2016 1:24 p.m.
A few people have written in recently with some ideas for EDH articles.
I expect some to go up this weekend
February 26, 2016 1:52 p.m.
Do the articles have to be about Constructed? What about Limited?
February 26, 2016 1:58 p.m.
I'd be willing to write some modern articles once the Eldrazi get banned.
February 26, 2016 3:44 p.m.
Hello everyone! Just wanted to emphasize the fact that I, too, am going to be a big part of bringing the community together to make some new and exciting content for the site. I want you to know that my "door" in open, so to speak. If you have any questions, comments, concerns or ideas, feel free to message me on my wall OR contact me via email/twitter and I will get back to you ASAP.
email: [email protected]
Twitter: @Spootyone
Furthermore, I want to stress the fact that you don't have to be a master of writing or gameplay to make content. That's what me and ChiefBell are here for. We will be there to guide you through the creation process, be it through brainstorming, our opinions, formatting, and more. Don't know HTML? I gotchu. I'm available to format and edit your work before it's live. Have an idea but don't quite have it fleshed out? No problem. I can chat with you on your preferred area to see if we can come up with something brilliant together.
Don't be afraid! Taking the first step can be hard. But I can assure you through my own experience that content creation can be an incredibly rewarding and fun endeavor.
February 26, 2016 6:07 p.m.
Basically we're both here to help you get your writing onto the site. So if you have any ideas feel free to contact us and we can help you to make it happen :)
February 26, 2016 6:18 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #20
TheAlexGnan I'll write that article! I've already collected plenty of evidence of both halves of that article - the power of snap and the lack of power of functional reprints of IM.
In all seriousness, I would like to write something. I'll start brainstorming topics. The 2 topics that come to mind are Cube Draft and my experience getting into magic a year-and-a-half ago. I'd love to write about gameplay or a single card, but I don't know what card or gameplay exactly to write about. I'm very open to suggestions.
February 26, 2016 6:46 p.m. Edited.
CanadianShinobi says... #21
Hmm I miss writing articles for the site. Maybe if I can get a little more organized I'll be able to produce content. Though from what I gather T/O has a somewhat hesitant stance on featuring opinion pieces, or research pieces.
Perhaps Epochalyptik or yeaGO can clarify the matter for me, because I have several ideas on things I could write. Notably surrounding Modern and the Magic various aspects relating to Control decks ect.
February 26, 2016 7:17 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #22
Uuuh, yeah? I'll praise Snapcaster Mage anywhere at any time. Last night I beat burn with a Snapcaster Mage. He attacked for game, I flashed in Snap in response to block, he puts Lightning Bolt on the stack to kill me, I cast another Snapcaster Mage in response, then flashback the Countersquall in my graveyard. Next turn I swing for game. Basically, without 2 Snap in my hand, I would have lost.
We got really off-track. But yeah! Go Snap!
Canadian, care to share your article ideas? I'd love to write one of them, if that's okay with you.
February 26, 2016 7:17 p.m. Edited.
CanadianShinobi: You are more than welcome to contribute opinion pieces and more to the site. In fact, I'd say you are encouraged to. The only area where things get messy are on certain subjects that can get a little touchy. You know...political-type matters. What's nice, however, is that any idea you have can be run by me or Chief and we can give you the greenlight to do it or explain why not. I'd love to see more by you!
MagicalShrek: You have to understand that a cards strength does not alone equal it's price. That said, I think it's best we keep off this topic here. Create another forum post for it if you feel the need. Or, hell, someone actually write a piece about it. Just not right here.
February 26, 2016 7:30 p.m.
CanadianShinobi says... #24
Spootyone that's good to know. Out of curiosity, has Epoch been taking less time to greenlight articles and the task has fallen to the two of you? Or have you always had this ability and I am simply hearing about it now? Because, whenever I had an article idea, I ran it by Epoch.
February 26, 2016 7:49 p.m.
Well, I'm not sure where Epoch stands right now in the grand scheme of things, but Chief and I have recently decided to get the ball rolling when it comes to content on the site. I have always been able to do this, but I know that I (and I believe Chief agrees) want to see TO flourish into as much of a respected MTG site as any other, and our content portion is one big area where we are lacking.
Given my knowledge on the subject, I was chosen to help lead this endeavor. So that's where we're at right now.
February 26, 2016 7:54 p.m.
CanadianShinobi says... #26
Spootyone Excellent. Given that information I may very well be able to produce content for the site in the near future, barring approval and what not.
February 26, 2016 8 p.m.
Awesome! Just let me or Chief know once you have something in mind. Once you do, I can request you be added to the article writing forum so we can help you on there.
February 26, 2016 8:02 p.m.
I've been looking for an outlet to write to, but I also need an idea to write on. Before I've said I wanted to write about the disparity of mana in MTG and more so in EDH.
I need more ideas for what to write though.
February 26, 2016 9:22 p.m.
buildingadeck says... #29
I'd love to tackle some limited archetype analysis for sets. I have been getting into limited a lot recently.
February 27, 2016 5:08 a.m.
Dorotheus: I'd be okay brainstorming some with you, if you need someone to get the gears rolling.
buildingadeck: Let's do it! We don't have nearly enough limited content on the site even WHEN people post haha.
February 27, 2016 1:20 p.m.
buildingadeck says... #31
Spootyone: I came up with a rough draft for an article last night. It's more of a skeleton than anything, but I'd like to get a bit more experience drafting the set before sending a draft.
February 27, 2016 2:45 p.m.
The_Dragonmaster says... #32
Maybe a coding help article for the upgraded users?
February 27, 2016 4:58 p.m.
Kinda want to do an article regarding reprints in standard sets. If not, it's Definantly a suggestion. :)
February 27, 2016 5:54 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #34
MagicalShrek that's actually a pretty good idea. I might write that article, since I'm a relatively new player myself. Seems like something I'd enjoy.
February 27, 2016 11:49 p.m.
To all those suggesting potential article ideas: Let's do this! Send me a PM, a comment on my wall, an email ( [email protected] ), or tweet me (@Spootyone) and we can move forward
February 28, 2016 1:52 a.m.
Modern format primer does it for modern but nothing else. A rough guide would be good. Problem is that in general there is no generic rule for what colours do. At this point in time almost every colour can do everything to some extent.
February 28, 2016 9:19 a.m.
Or maybe a guide for what deck to buy? Every week there's a post that says "Getting into Modern, what deck to buy". Someone could write up a guide with spoilers. Ex:
RDW, U-Tron, Infect
Jund, Affinity
There would of course be more development on the decks themselves, what strategy to choose, but it could be like a pick-your-path kind of game.
February 28, 2016 9:23 a.m.
Spootyone, I'm interested in helping out, too! (Being a relitively new player/helping new players myself)
February 28, 2016 11:01 a.m.
Another idea for an article can be about the card price speculations on, maybe like the "All Time High", "All Time Low", and "Interests" sections of the site. That would be awesome!
February 28, 2016 3:36 p.m.
That seems really interesting. A weekly or monthly monetary article with a run down of big movers and an explanation as to why. I like that.
February 28, 2016 6:17 p.m.
This is pretty neat, are we allowed to submit articles we've written for our personal sites as well? I write up a few articles each week and would love to get opinions on them!
(probably not the place but, would we also be messaging you with Hearthstone Articles?)
February 29, 2016 7:15 a.m.
You are allowed to submit articles here that you have published personally on your own site.
There is a separate tappedout website for hearthstone. I do not believe that I have privileges on that website to publish. I'm never on it anyway because I don't play the game.
February 29, 2016 9:32 a.m.
Now that's and idea I can get behind, MagicalShrek!
February 29, 2016 10:33 a.m.
nocsha: If you haven't already done so, be sure to message me or Chief to get that stuff published here!
February 29, 2016 2:11 p.m.
ducttapedeckbox says... #46
I'm glad to see the enthusiasm in article ideas. Let's hope that these ideas materialize.
Chief and Spooty, while I'm not as active as I'd like to be, I'm more than happy to help potential writers brainstorm and read over articles to be published. I think I still retain my posting privileges too, but only for my own articles (can't lookup other's ID or something?). I'll offer up my help if you guys want it.
I'd still like to see something like my "Thinking Outside of the Deckbox" idea to take form - writing about Magic-related projects like creating your own deck box, alters, 3D alters, etc. I ended up not having the time to commit to writing a series, but I think we have users who could easily be "interviewed" for different topics.
I also like the economics-related ideas, we rarely have articles in that area.
February 29, 2016 9:19 p.m.
So ummmm... I started just to write ideas, sources, and some thesis, etc, down... and then Pokemon came out on the Virtual Console....
Yea.... I might just not even be on the internet now for a couple of days.
March 1, 2016 12:06 a.m.
ducttapedeckbox: Shame to hear you can't come on board with us again. I liked your stuff a lot. If you want, I'll gladly look over some similar stuff from people you think could fit the bill. I'd like to see a decent amount of "thinking outside the deckbox" kinds of articles so that we can appeal to casuals just as much as competitive players.
Dorotheus: Come back as soon as you become the champion!
March 1, 2016 3 p.m.
ducttapedeckbox says... #49
I'm happy to help brainstorm and edit, and maybe I'll be able to start writing again this summer. Feel free to tag me if you want input or think that I can be of use :)
March 2, 2016 11:43 a.m.
EverythingIsK says... #50
Could primers be put up as articles for the site? I could do one for at least two of my decks. (like card choices, how to play the deck, tips/ tricks, variations, etc.)
CheeseBro says... #2
Cool idea!
February 26, 2016 8:40 a.m.