Can I export a set list?

TappedOut forum

Posted on Oct. 28, 2016, 8:57 p.m. by MindAblaze

So, let's say I wanted to take all the cards in C16 and turn them into a commander cube, is there a simple way for me to cut and paste the set list (from our site) and add them all to a cube list?

Secondly, I only use/desire to use this site for magic related shenanigans, and only from my phone. I'm wondering, if within these limitations, if there's a way for me to create the above commander cube, where the first pack only has legendary creatures? This would allow everyone to pick a few options for commanders and then draft a deck with the subsequent packs.

I've found this site invaluable for testing my first cube, even just solo drafting it, but formatting it was incredibly time consuming. I would love to see this be more functional so users don't have to say "go use cube tutor."

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