Can we please get the M12 prices?

TappedOut forum

Posted on July 16, 2015, 8:41 p.m. by ThisIsBullshit

Yo I've been around TappedOut for about a year now (yaay), and I've asked several times about this but it's never really been addressed.

A lot of Magic 2012 is missing a price tag. It doesn't compute in decklists, and if hyperlinked (ex. Rune-Scarred Demon), it only gives the MTGO price.

Can we please get these prices implemented, or at least get an explanation for why they're not in the system? I want accurate deck prices and there's no point in having prices if I can't figure out how much a popular card from M12 costs without looking on a different website.

I'm a little sick of not being able to see these prices, so if we could put them in the system like all the rest of the sets, that'd be awesome!


HolyFalcon says... #2


July 16, 2015 8:47 p.m.

Arvail says... #3

Don't use the site's system. The prices are often inaccurate. You're better off just using TCG.

July 16, 2015 8:55 p.m.

HolyFalcon says... #4

There should be a pricing update where whenever someone links a card or views a card page, the price of that card updates.

July 16, 2015 8:57 p.m.

miracleHat says... #5

@TheDevicer, though they can be inaccurate, the prices on tappedout do a good enough job of guesstamating the actual price.

Also, getting m12 prices that aren't reprints/have been reprinted later would be nice.

July 16, 2015 9:36 p.m.

Arvail says... #6

The times I'm most interested in card prices is when I'm negotiating trades. Guesstamating here does not count.

July 16, 2015 9:40 p.m.

yeaGO says... #7

as far as i know they are accurate but there are some edge cases such as bad foil data making its way into the feed. any bugs with prices should be reported to the site.

2012 i thought i fixed that bug but i'll take another swipe at it.

July 17, 2015 4:58 a.m.

HolyFalcon says... #8

I know Guru lands are broken, as well as some promos and like you said some foils.

July 17, 2015 9:03 a.m.

ThisIsBullshit says... #9

Well I know Rune-Scarred Demon and Grand Abolisher are broken so yeah

Fun fact only the foil version of the Abolisher is broken

July 17, 2015 10:35 p.m.

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