Can't Refresh Estimated Price for my Decks

TappedOut forum

Posted on Nov. 22, 2011, 9:32 a.m. by ZaLiTHkA

I have read through the other thread labelled "Recycle link leads to 404", but even though the 'Regenerate' link does the same for me, I think the issue I'm having is slightly different...

I've been trying for a while to get one specific deck's "Estimated Price" to update, but it simply won't change.. None of them do actually, but I've been focussing on one (Red Moon). Editing and saving the deck, whether I make changes first or not, doesn't seem to update the price. For the record, the charts and deck format update fine.

Testing now, if I make a copy of the deck, the price on the copy (without changing anything) shows $84.88, while the original is still showing $124.88. It's not life threatening, but it would be nice to be able to get the estimated price to update without needing to copy the deck and then delete it. It's probably causing unnecessary load on the site server as well, especially with how long it seems to take to delete a deck... :/

Any ideas...?

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