Changes to Tournament Decks
TappedOut forum
Posted on Oct. 25, 2010, 1:25 p.m. by yeaGO
I've made some changes to the way tournament decks are handled on the site. I got a lot of complaints that the current system is too vague and I agree.
The old system used a "tournament description" but this is now gone (will be visible for a few more days). Instead, its replaced by the Events found in the Top-8 section. This will be better because now your decks can start accumulating a "Tournament History". Oooooh. Aaaaaah.
I've made it really easy to add your deck to an event. First, create your deck. If you've flagged it as a 'tournament' deck you will see a message at the top of your deck indicating that you need to add it to an Event. Just click thru and follow the steps and your done!
If you happen to know other people who placed in the tournament, tell them to add their deck to that event.
These features shall all hit in the next few hours.
Well I don't know who they'll impress by doing that.. :). Thanks for the feedback though
I think the main drawback will be missing a complete standings for each tournament. In time that may change though if we can establish a new standard.
October 27, 2010 5:31 p.m.
Its not about impressing anyone. Its about getting real feedback and understanding of the environment and meta.
If deck X is a bad match-up against deck Y, but Joe Blow wants to impress his friends or doesn't want to admit that he took two loses and fudges his numbers, then instead of deck X taking a loss to deck Y, it gets a win that it didn't really get, throwing away both deck's statistics and then drawing into question value of the statistics of this site.
If you are going to incorporate tournament results, you are walking directly into a metagame report, which is a good thing, but needs to be embraced and not allowed to become a source of bad information. That, again, discredits the site and would possibly detract from potential users and subsequent advertising and subscription values. I assume that since you asked about the deck-check website that you are hoping to capitalize on that and draw in those people who used the site. That site was exactly what a competitive player needed to remain up to date on the current and former meta of an environment.
If that is your plan, then you really need to dis-allow Joe Blow from entering bad statistics and try to get actual tournament organizers to enter the data. That will build credibility and attract the Spikes of the world here. Unfortunately, Joe Blow is a Johnny and Johnny doesn't buy cards and doesn't fuel your website and dreams. Spike does that and should probably be your targeted demographic.
October 28, 2010 11:54 a.m.
I think you bring up tons of good points and in general you're exactly right. That said, its true, the statistics that are there need to be taken with a grain of salt for a while. At some point I'm going to make distinctions between events that one person added and events that many people participated in. The second is obviously way more useful than the first in terms of getting an idea of the meta you describe.
But you see, I think that's a problem that will fix itself. As the feature to register your decks into events expands, more eyeballs will be on these events and its possible to call out people who provide bad data. You did notice the comment feature on those events, eh? =)
So bear with me. Everything you said is exactly right but for the short term let's have some patience and see how the system develops. I put out an all-call for TOs to start sending me their tournament lists and even got some coverage on a major blog, but no bites so far. I can't wait around for them to decide to use my site.
Tynion says... #2
This is a good idea. The only thing that may happen here is that people will inflate or exaggerate the decks performance. If they include FNM results, for example, then we have no way of knowing if the deck did as indicated.
I don't have an alternative, I just wanted to point out the obvious. :)
October 27, 2010 3:48 p.m.