Colorpie Preview (Decklist Syntax)

TappedOut forum

Posted on Sept. 9, 2015, 2 p.m. by x1uo3yd

Is there a syntax to format cards with hybrid mana symbols as mono-colored or colorless, at least for when the mana-pie preview is calculated?

The reason I ask is because the mana-pie preview is a great way to see the mana balance of a deck, but when throwing something like a Dimir Guildmage into a mono-Black deck suddenly it appears that I am strongly splashing-Blue. It only gets worse when adding phyrexian cards- a couple Mutagenic Growth and Surgical Extraction is enough to make a mono-White deck look like an Abzan deck in the preview-pie.

The formatting page has an example for decklist formatting (Llanowar Elves [M10] *F*) but I can't find anything about muting hybrid costs. In my head I think there'd have to be something like (Surgical Extraction [NPH] *F* *colorless*) or (Dimir Guildmage [RAV] *A* *black*) but I couldn't find it.

bsian says... #2

I'm pretty sure there isn't, considering every modern infect list looks like bant because of Apostle's Blessing. It is a bit annoying, but I think in general we're smart enough to understand what colors the deck is.

September 9, 2015 4:45 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #3

There isn't, but it is a method that has been requested numerous times before. Yeago is currently busy trying to fix an issue with the card submission system.

If we were to implement this, the code to dictate colour would most likely have to be in (WUBRG) with C denoting colourless. Even further still, counting all the coloured mana symbols as well. So we may very will end up inputting something like this (WWWWWU) for whatever reason (a good method to also input colours of the card's abilities into its cost, as some cards that may be mono-colour may have multi-coloured ability costs.) This is much easier to utilize and more convenient.

There would however, have to be a list dictating all the cards that have altered functions, so that users can see what changes were made to the colour pie so that there wouldn't be a misrepresentation of information.

September 11, 2015 2:03 p.m.

x1uo3yd says... #4

Neat. When I asked the question I figured there was a way to do it that I just didn't know (being new(b) to the site) so I hadn't thought much about the implementation, let alone the can-of-worms that might open up.

I haven't had tried to add/fix any cards myself so I haven't seen much of those deeper formatting things. Femme_Fatale I just read through your Card Submission Tutorial and think I'm understanding what you're saying here a bit more. Are there other links to more discussion on in-the-works features, or info on how stuff works on the back-end?

Also, in comment #2, you are talking about the abilities adding to the input. Do I understand you right, by saying that a card like Naya Battlemage which costs 2G, has one R activated ability, and one W ability, ends up giving (2G)+(R)+(W)=(2GRW) as a possible input for the color-pie?

September 14, 2015 11:17 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #5

Basically, the bracket insert for card names would allow you to put in whatever the hell you wanted. You could make Giant Growth appear as (UUUUUUUUUUUUU) for whatever reason. It would basically over-ride any colour pie thing that is already assigned to that card. It would be nice to get this implemented, as certain cards do need their colour pie redone in specific situations.

There isn't any information on the things that happen on the back end. I plan to do site-wide tutorials some time in the future, but I'm slowly getting all the projects I had planned for this site done. Yeago has issues with communication, so it is impossible to know what is currently being done, what is planned for the future, and what is being considered and all that stuff.

If you wish to look for things that may be in the works, just subscribe to the T/O forum, as that is where all the suggestions go through and where yeago goes to look at them. There are some older discussions about some features like the failed combase feature, but the back end stuff is quite unknown as there are only a handful of people who work on the back end. Yeago does anything related to site programming, Epoch and Chief (among a few others) do general site maintenance, and I handle the card and token database, even though I don't actually have access to the database.

September 14, 2015 4:37 p.m.

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