[Community Discussion]: TappedOut and you
TappedOut forum
Posted on Nov. 9, 2014, 7:01 p.m. by Epochalyptik
This Community Discussion was proposed by ducttapedeckbox!
Some of you are established users who have been lurking or posting for years now. Some of you are new to the site and just getting settled in. I personally joined this community when it was about 19,000 strong, and we're now about to reach 429,000 users total. Those of us who have been here for a while have seen the site evolve over time. We've seen some visual updates, changes to the deckbuilder, overhauls on the draft and playtest simulators, and more.
But the main mission of this site is to give Magic players of all ages and experience levels a place to design and test decks, practice drafting, and discuss ideas. We even facilitate trading between reasonably established users.
So the topic for this CD is the site itself. How do you use this site to meet your MTG needs? How often do you log in? Has your use of the site evolved over time? Are there things you don't use the site for? Let us know all about your experience here and how it has affected your Magic career!
SmudgeDredd says... #2
I think this site is awesome. I originally used it just to keep track of decks I'd built. Starting out I had a small number cards so I had to dissolve some to make others. Now I've just started playing modern on a budget so the ability to post a deck, get feedback from more experienced players, refine the deck AND make it cheaper is extremely useful to me.
The deck uploader is really user friendly as well.
November 14, 2014 7:04 a.m.
I've been on this site for years myself. Used it initially as a central collection of deck and deck ideas. Over time I started posting a lot in the forums and various discussion, even taking part in online tournies, but sadly these days I lack internet so I'm not online all that much. As for what I don't use this site for.. . I don't think there's anything, I use this site for everything, though I have a few other sites I use in addition to this for online trading.
November 14, 2014 12:06 p.m.
PaladinRyan says... #4
I'm looking forward to the mobile app by the way. I'm hoping, based on what few details I have heard, that it might be a tool to further connect fellow tappedout members who are in the same area, perhaps drawing connections between play groups that would not have existed otherwise. Hopes are high for that one :D
November 14, 2014 12:20 p.m.
Hi all! I'm quite a newbie here so I can't share much of my experience ;) I log in almost once a day, for drafting purposes mainly! I like to test the decks I build on other sites afterwards. I'd like to stay on tappedout but you don't have the gaming possibilities yet ;)The deck building system is ok, but improvable. I like the fact that it shows mana statistics, mana curve, card types and all. But the fact that we need to go on a different screen to edit, without visualizing the cards, makes it a bit tedious... Id like a more friendly user interface, where you could just click and drag cards to build your deck.Sometimes I also browse through the decks that are top ranked in order to get ideas for IRL.
Keep up the good work
November 15, 2014 6:59 a.m.
gnarlicide says... #6
I get on the site everyday, (unless I am in another country like Liberia, like I am now).
I used to get on in the beginning to look at deck ideas and archetypes, since I was getting back into the game at the time, it actually helped me out alot.
The site evolutions came, some are good, some are bad (I am pretty fuckin dumb with tech stuff, so I just avoid features that require me to do any of that stuff).
Nowadays, I post decklists for reference, look at other lists to compare ideas, trade, heckle other users and impart some of my life knowledge on the "younger" crowd.
Overall, the site is the cats ass. Its worth my time to keep coming back. Thanks for an awesome community.
November 15, 2014 6:47 p.m.
JonathanSamurai says... #7
I'm new to the game really, so mostly I use it to build deck ideas and look at others ideas. I don't really have a collection for trading yet, so I haven't done that yet. I do enjoy the site though as I find it really helpful.
November 16, 2014 1:59 a.m.
I have been on the site for a while... a long while. Initially, I was shown this site by a friend that casually played Magic. I thought it was intended to be a decklist site with top decks from big tournaments. I looked at some of the decks and decided that my presumption was far from the case, so I kind of dropped it for a while. One day, I was bored so took a look again. I realized that the site was more of a community, and that most people on it were more than happy to help offer suggestions for brews. I started utilizing the deck builder and made suggestions for others. Quickly, it became one of the most time consuming sites in my internet world. I have introduced many people to the site, and am happy that I was able to do so. I take pride in knowing that looking at the player map, everyone within 50 miles of my house have joined because of me telling them directly, or by telling the friend that told them.
While I am now double-majoring in chemistry and biology, I find that I have very little time to spend on Magic. Still, I manage to show up to FNM's and throw decks together. I am a rogue builder specializing in local meta snipers. Because many of my competitors are now on this site, I rarely share a deck before I use it at a FNM because the nature of my deck designs is that people do not see what is coming until they lose to it. Despite my reluctance to share decks until I play with them, I usually add at least 1 private deck a week. I love the mana curve and color graphs as they help me balance complicated 5 color mana-bases to the point that they can be competitive (yea, I'm one of those). Also, I love using the playtester to go-fish.
All and all, I am proud to be part of this community, and have made a few pretty good friends through the site. Thanks, yeaGO, for making that a possibility.
November 16, 2014 12:30 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #9
Love this site! best deck management available IMO. Being able to play test your decks against any other deck on the site (or copied list from another site) is golden. Training Mode of MTG!
I also love how people can comment and suggest things on your decks.
I'm not too fond of the trade system updates as they make things much more difficult to check out some one's binder.
November 16, 2014 1:11 p.m.
I absolutely adore this site. I found It when I was looking for a place to make deck lists and store them. I now use this site for all of my mtg needs, except for creating sealed pools, for that I use MtGMirror. My us of this site has not evolved over time as I used most of the features when I joined but my deckbuilding has certainly improved due to comments and suggestions. I use this site almost all of the time and I find myself at a loss of what to do when this site goes down.This site is one of the sole reasons that I kept on playing magic, I quit magic some time ago and one day decided to check to see if my decks had any comments on them. I stayed on the site for the rest of the day.
Keep it up Tappedout
November 16, 2014 2:15 p.m.
Hickorysbane says... #11
I found it because oftentimes I was looking at decklists and they happened to be on this site. Eventually I got a profile and one day decided to put some cards in my binder, not expecting much to happen. Soon after that I got a trade offer and have become a relatively avid trader. I still use the site to make decks when I'm bored and have an idea, and also to playtest and get advice on decks i have and/or am in the process of making. I've also gotten a few friends to join too.
November 17, 2014 4:15 p.m.
FancyTuesday says... #12
I'm idly logged in maybe 4 hours out of the day, basically whenever I'm at my computer at home (or a particularly slow day at work) I'll log in and poke my head into the Q&A section every so often looking for unanswered questions.
I principally use TappedOut to organize my decks. I exclusively play EDH and the page layout for decks and the metrics on offer at a glance here are pretty good for looking at large decks as a whole. The updates section is also useful for tracking planed card changes and old deck builds.
November 17, 2014 11:46 p.m.
ColdHeartedSith says... #13
I play a lot of standard, I'm always looking for fresh ideas, brews that are relevant in the meta game and have merit. I also enjoy sharing decks I have brewed myself that I believed to have potential in the hopes that I inspire other inventive deck builders to help cohesively to build something truly competitive and new. i'm not a big fan of net decking when we're talking about what the pros played last week and how it's what you should be playing when the format is so wide open, With so much potential to produce a dozen other very competitive decks. If this can be done TappedOut is a place that can make this happen. It's almost like having a team like the pros have working together to build something. A word of caution though there is a lot of one-dimensional advice on the site from those who just want to be heard and don't really have all three dimensions in thought, those being how your deck works, what the meta-is like and the ability to predict how it will change. So a certain degree of filtering is required to take advantage of what the community has to offer.
November 18, 2014 2:24 p.m.
shepherdofire says... #14
I am kinda new to magic, I truly started playing a little before I joined the site. This site has helped me as a new player. I got alot of my deck ideas out before Friday and got some great feed back. My decks aren't 3-1 or 4-0 yet but I'm going even more often with help from the sites users. I log on almost every day and deckcycle as soon as possible.
I think the play testing system is a bit unreliable in the fact it goes off of the probability of the card rather than a simulated shuffle. other than that the site is great and I'm glad have found it.
November 19, 2014 12:18 a.m.
trollslayer says... #15
i have had a nice time here but i would say the one thing that annoys me the most is the double brakets. i think it should be say [ruthless ripper] instead of Ruthless Ripper. its just easier and less time then double brakets
November 19, 2014 2:09 p.m.
I joined TappedOut to store deck lists before I had a real collection, when I was first getting into magic. It was a quick way to create deck lists and look up cards. I mostly just use it for deck lists and playtesting now.
November 19, 2014 5:38 p.m.
As most other users I found this site when looking for a place online to store deck ideas and get opinions from others about my ideas. I login at least 4 to 5 times a day looking at new decks and getting new info.
I have been overwhelmed with the amount of support the members give and have been able to make some great improvements to some of my decks because of this support.
Over time I have become more comfortable posting on the forums and giving suggestions to other players and have seen some great decks crated by some of the people here.
I always look forward to logging in and seeing what the site has to offer. Thanks for your time and DFTBA.
November 19, 2014 7:09 p.m.
I like it. I might log in once or twice a day on average if you combine the days I'm on a lot with the days I'm not on the computer.
I like the bubbling community and have even traded with a few people (thanks guys) Plus I wouldn't know how to really play EDH if it wasn't for Tapped out. Thanks to everyone
November 22, 2014 12:35 p.m.
I come looking for ideas from decks similar to mine. It would be so awesome if there was a "similar decks" feature so I could compare and cross-discuss.
On another note, the deck browser standard page is vastly inferior for viewing a long list of current decks compared to how it used to be.
November 23, 2014 7:18 p.m.
Started about 9-10 months ago, i was mainly looking for advice on my EDH decks, and brewing up several EDH decks that have become fine tuned machines. Mainly use for ideas for new decks and how to become a better player. But recently started posting on the forums and trying to help others. Its a great site and look forward to seeing it grow!
November 26, 2014 8:40 a.m.
DeathChant17 says... #21
I joined within the last year. Every free moment i get I'm on the computer or phone looking around, pissing my wife off. I loved the fact I could put up deck lists and always have them handy. I've benefited from advice on my decks, and try to help others. I've learned a lot rule-wise here and continue to learn. I'm constantly scouring old Q&A. Recently I've been exploring areas of the site I'm not familiar with, as until recently I mainly used it for deck storage and looking for ideas to play with. This site and community have made me a better player and have given me a lot of knowledge, and I look forward to my continuous improvement!
November 26, 2014 10:33 a.m.
nobu_the_bard says... #22
Joined awhile back. My primary use of the site is to post decklists for EDH; I used them to remember what's in the decks when I'm shopping, and to plan, because the site has a relatively "clean" presentation for decks that breaks them down into categories better than most. It also doesn't push super hard to sell me the cards in the deck like most of the sites I looked at, and the contrast (dark background, light text) makes reading it easier. The new suggestions feature is amusing as well.
I also sometimes use it share decklists with others. I don't have to read off the decklists when other people want to know what's in it, I can just send them here to my username. I actually had someone ask if he could photograph an entire 100 card EDH deck once ...
The community and Q&A are nice too. Sometimes they're a little impatient with a casual like me but mostly they're nice. I paid the tiny donation fee to be ad-free, but given how much I use it, I should probably dig out another five bucks sometime.
TheHroth says... #1
I can't say anything that hasn't already been said. This site is great, and I certainly would not be the player I am today without it.
I spend a ton of time lurking the Q&A, learning the finer rules of the game and actually answering questions if I can. Thats definitely been the biggest impact on me as a player I think. Knowing more of the rules is just the best way to improve at the game, and its certainly what I appreciate the most about this site.
Getting to know other users is great too. I've made a couple friends on this site from sharing ideas on decks. Its truly a marvelous community.
November 14, 2014 1:49 a.m.