Compressing my deck description.

TappedOut forum

Posted on Nov. 1, 2014, 2:48 a.m. by KingSorin

My deck Way of the Mistfire has a deck description which is over two pages long. I don't want to make it shorter, but I also don't want scrolling through it to be inconvenient, so I'm asking if there's any way to do something like what is done here, and how I'd format something like this.

Femme_Fatale says... #2

I have a tutorial in the description on the following deck:

Ack! Run Hans Run! The Slivers Are Coming!

I should also mention that long descriptions are good :3

November 1, 2014 3:01 a.m.

KingSorin says... #3

"Step 4: Delete each letter "Y" and the spaces on either side of it. There should be 6 letter "Y"s. Insert your UNIQUE AND INDIVIDUAL text where the "Y" letters once were for each and every one. Make sure that this text is exactly the same for each one, otherwise it won't work. Try and make it one long stream of text. No spaces or underscores or hyphens, just letters and numbers. Once again, don't remove or alter any part of the original code."

I didn't want to post on your page, as it looked pristine and commentless, and you may have wanted to keep it that way, so I'll ask here: What is the "UNIQUE AND INDIVIDUAL TEXT"? I may have been doing something wrong with respect to that, as this is happening when I follow the instructions.

November 1, 2014 3:19 a.m.

CampbellStev says... #4

< details > < summary > Click Here // Title < / summary > Your Description < / details >

Take away all spaces and it leaves you with:

Click Here // TitleYour Description

Mind you though, this method is for the lazy as it is not supported with all browsers.

November 1, 2014 3:39 a.m.

xlaleclx says... #5

Publish it as a short story

November 1, 2014 3:50 a.m.

KingSorin says... #6

Ooh the spoiler works now. It didn't work at first. Kewl. Thanks Femme_Fatale :)

November 1, 2014 5:41 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #7

See, you have to test it on a deck description KingSorin, because in order for any complicated interactive coding to work on T/O you have to refresh the page. You cannot refresh a preview comment, thusly it will never appear to work for you until you post and refresh.

November 1, 2014 5:30 p.m.

This discussion has been closed