Deckcycles didn't reset

TappedOut forum

Posted on Nov. 11, 2013, 12:18 a.m. by raithe000

I just checked my profile, and tested by cycling a deck, and I am unable too, despite it being past midnight, when everything is supposed to reset. My points and rank have also not changed.

Tagging yeaGO! and Epochalyptik.

Blizzicane says... #2

Huh mines didn't either its as if time has stop moving on the site lol.

So this plus deck views not updating whats going on today. D:

November 11, 2013 12:32 a.m.

Arvail says... #3

Everything also appears as colorless in the new deck pie charts. Kind of weird.

November 11, 2013 12:46 a.m.

tempest says... #4

maybe its just you guys. i'm not having any of these problems. also, raithe000, deckcycles reset every 24 hours. you can't deckcycle at 11:59pm and the deckcycle again at 12:00am

November 11, 2013 1:14 a.m.

-Fulcrum says... #5

Same here, no deckcycles, no rank change, any new decks I try to upload appear as colorless and aren't changing, and strangely enough it says it's not legal in any format despite not being a prototype deck. Is T/O broken?

November 11, 2013 3:03 a.m.

raithe000 says... #6

@tempest I've always had my deckcycles reset at midnight, regardless of when I last deckcycled. Is this incorrect?

November 11, 2013 8:13 a.m.

scottemery says... #7

Having the same problems here, frustratring.

November 11, 2013 11:07 a.m.

Oh good, I thought it was just me and that I was going crazy. I'm sure this will be sorted out soon. Probably technical errors, or maintainence, or something beyond the scope of all knowledge of human life. (it's deffintely the last one).

November 11, 2013 11:41 a.m.

megawurmple says... #9

I'm having the same problem. I can't deckcycle either, although my deck's colour pie isn't colourless.

November 11, 2013 11:48 a.m.

megawurmple says... #10

I lie. I see now that new decks are colourless and that views aren't changing.

November 11, 2013 11:50 a.m.

tempest says... #11

raithe000 it may just have been that every time you deckcycled, it happened to be around midnight but last time you didn't. my deckcycles reset every 24 hours and it has always been like that.

November 11, 2013 12:31 p.m.

tempest says... #12

i do know that the color pie and legality functions are down for any new deck. the color pies are blank for new decks and don't change for old decks. yeaGO! is needed here

November 11, 2013 12:36 p.m.

raithe000 says... #13

@tempest My deckcyles have always reset at midnight EST, regardless of when I last deckcyled. Additionally, It has now been over a day since I last deckcyled, and they still have not reset.

November 11, 2013 2:52 p.m.

Blizzicane says... #14

Same here I still have the one deckcycle I had left over has not refreshed into 3. D:

November 11, 2013 2:58 p.m.

MinscAndBoo says... #15

Ah, glad it's not just me, was worried I'd forgotten what day it was or something...

November 11, 2013 2:58 p.m.

tempest says... #16

Well, I'll check my deck cycles at 24 hours to see if I'm affected as well

November 11, 2013 3:04 p.m.

I can't deck cycle, and I know I haven't cycled since at least a day ago. It says "Last deck cycle: 1 Day ago" but I still have yet to get my deck cycle. As for the pie chart problem I am not experiencing that.

November 11, 2013 3:47 p.m.

scottemery says... #18

Just wait util your 24 hours is complete, if deck cycling is still an issue then this is indeed a problem. Hopefully not.

November 11, 2013 3:56 p.m.

raithe000 says... #19

My last deckcyle was over a day ago, my profile still reads 0 remaining deckcycles, and when I attempt to deckcyle I get the message "You've reached your daily cycling limit". I think this is officially a problem.

November 11, 2013 3:58 p.m.

scottemery says... #20

Then I would agree.

November 11, 2013 4:01 p.m.

scarmask says... #21

Yep same issue.

Remaining deckcycles: 0

last deckcycle: 1 day

November 11, 2013 7:03 p.m.

guessling says... #22

Maybe a pro was looking at your decks and wanted to compete with one just like yours and is trying to keep his competitors from getting a look at it.

November 11, 2013 7:08 p.m.

Blizzicane says... #23

@ r3v13w Conspiracy you say? :O

November 11, 2013 7:24 p.m.

@r3v13w: No conspiracy theories unless you are a conspiracist :U

November 11, 2013 7:43 p.m.

Artemis_Swift says... #25

whew, thought it was just me.

November 11, 2013 7:52 p.m.

Seten says... #26

Yep, same. also, im trying to figure out a manabase and its not updated the color pie thing either.

November 11, 2013 8:56 p.m.

tempest says... #27

ok. its the same for me :P

November 12, 2013 12:58 a.m.

Emrakool says... #28

Same here, been through 2 midnights now and no deckcycles to be had.

November 12, 2013 1 a.m.

Still hasn't reset....Guys we got a major crisis on our hands .w.

November 12, 2013 1:58 a.m.

Blizzicane says... #30

I wonder when everyone on the site will run out of deckcycles and cycling stops completely. :P

November 12, 2013 3:25 a.m.

scarmask says... #31

Yeah I was wondering if that would happen. It's a pretty good time to have cycles I reckon, with the people who cycle regularly out of the picture, the cycled decks must be sticking longer.

November 12, 2013 6:47 a.m.

scarmask says... #32

Actually, now that I look, I'm pretty sure I saw most of those decks on the front page over 3 hours ago, haha.

November 12, 2013 6:51 a.m.

guessling says... #33

I am just trying to respond light-heartedly. Don't mind me. Conspiracy theories make interesting stories - that's about it.

November 12, 2013 7:20 a.m.

slagathor3 says... #34

Same thing happening to me too.

November 12, 2013 7:52 a.m.

VinylScratch says... #35

Mine didn't yesterday either, nor today.

November 12, 2013 8:59 a.m.

raithe000 says... #36

According to Facebook, the Steamflogger Boss stole our deckcycles.

November 12, 2013 9:01 a.m.

Well, on the bright side at least my pie chart visual has now adjested accordingly.

November 12, 2013 9:55 a.m.

None of my stats/deckcycles have changed/reset either : (

November 12, 2013 9:56 a.m.

beakedbard says... #39

Aye its been happening to me for the past two days as well what's going on?

November 12, 2013 10:11 a.m.

-Fulcrum says... #40

Pie chart's back. Still no deckcycles, rank change, etc.

November 12, 2013 10:16 a.m.

Busse says... #41

Same issue... I tag along with you guys... 2 days since last deckcycle, 0 remaining.

November 12, 2013 10:59 a.m.

beakedbard says... #42

The pie chart still doesn't seem to work for me on decks created since midnight. This is getting quite annoying. I don't get why some people can still deckcycle though because the page is still changing slowly but there are a few people that can still deckcycle it would seem.

November 12, 2013 11:02 a.m.

Lord007 says... #43

Same issue here

November 12, 2013 11:03 a.m.

megawurmple says... #44

Where have all the admins gone? Epochalyptik and yeaGO!, please help us in our time of need!

November 12, 2013 11:27 a.m.

MindAblaze says... #45

Maybe the Steamflogger Boss got them too.

November 12, 2013 12:18 p.m.

Demyx says... #46

Also having the same issue. Not a huge deal, just a bit annoying.

November 12, 2013 12:33 p.m.

VinylScratch says... #47

They are prob hard at work trying to fix it.

November 12, 2013 12:36 p.m.

spartanwill77 says... #48

Damn, mine have stopped as well. Sad face...

November 12, 2013 1:45 p.m.

I don't handle any coding, so I can't do much. yeaGO! is aware of the problem and is working on a solution.

November 12, 2013 1:59 p.m.

megawurmple says... #50

Ok, cheers.

November 12, 2013 2:37 p.m.

This discussion has been closed