Decks aren't reordering based on last modified
TappedOut forum
Posted on Nov. 30, 2017, 2:22 a.m. by DerektheRed
Anyone else having this issue? Didn't see anything here about it. Used to be that when I clicked into 'All Decks' my decks would show in the order they were last modified. The last few weeks, they always show in the same order no matter what. Did I change a setting? Any help is appreciated!
DerektheRed says... #3
Took me a bit to realize it's been reversed. Still shows decks ordered by most recently updated, but now those are last, and least relevant decks are first.
Don't know if that was an intention change (if so, it's a bad one and should be changed back), but it seems permanent, so...
December 19, 2017 2:45 a.m.
DerektheRed says... #4
Nope! Spoke too soon. Decks now appearing wherever they see fit. No pattern at all that I can tell. I have to use the search feature to find my own decks.
yeaGO - sorry to bug you, but you have any idea what's going on? Any help would be much appreciated.
Jaytotheareokay says... #2
Signal boost.
December 1, 2017 12:18 a.m.