Error Counting Mana Symbols in Charts
TappedOut forum
Posted on Feb. 23, 2012, 5:44 p.m. by swamp_water
See the deck deck:mana-symbol-chart-test that has 1 Fiend Hunter (CMC 1WW) and 1 Tragic Slip (CMC B) and 48 Plains . The pie chart counts the two WW symbols as 1 symbol and that the pie is even split when it should really be 1/3 Black mana and 2/3 white mana.
swamp_water says... #3
So if you had 1 Khalni Hydra in your deck and 8 one drop Swamp cards the mana chart would say you need 8 Swamp s for every 1Forest s. Vs having 8 one drop Forest cards and 8 one drop Swamp cards and the chart would say you need even mana. Which is more accurate and how does it help you determine your mana curve? If you followed this advise it would tell you you need less Forest s then you need to actually cast Khalni Hydra .
Besides the charts says "Symbol's" so if that is what it's measuring instead of "Cards" then it's wrong. It needs to either count "Sysmbol's" correctly or change the wording to "Cards".
I added a new deck to show this: deck:broken-mana-curve-deck-example.
February 23, 2012 11:04 p.m.
swamp_water says... #4
Removed the first test deck. the deck:broken-mana-curve-deck-example says it all.
February 24, 2012 11:50 a.m.
I agree with swamp_water that this is a problem that should be fixed. As they currently are, the charts can be very misleading.
I also agree that yeaGO! (and everyone else who works on the site) does a great job and with some visibility I know this will eventually be fixed.
Phyrexia says... #2
I don't think it's an error, I believe that Tappedout just considers any card with that color as a symbol, not the amount of that specific mana in the CMC. For example, it'd probably say 1 green for Khalni Hydra
. So it says there's 1 white symbol for Fiend Hunter
and 1 black for Tragic Slip
February 23, 2012 7:36 p.m.