"Export" bug: creates 0 card list
TappedOut forum
Posted on Jan. 15, 2012, 10:48 p.m. by stiill
When I export my several hundred card cube, it exports a list of 0 cards. I tried all formats. Printable gives me at least a correct list of sets. But no cards! Any suggestions? I tried it with my cube, and a copied cube. Sample output:
"progresssynergy copy"
Copied cube
User stiillFormat LegacySets Innistrad, 2012 Core Set , MTG: Commander, New Phyrexia, Mirrodin Besieged, Scars of Mirrodin, 2011 Core Set, Archenemy, Duel Decks: Garruk vs. Liliana, Rise of the Eldrazi, Worldwake, Zendikar, 2010 Core Set, Alara Reborn, Conflux, Shards of Alara, Shadowmoor, Morningtide, Lorwyn, Tenth Edition, Future Sight, Planar Chaos, Time Spiral, Guildpact, Ravnica: City of Guilds, Champions of Kamigawa, Fifth Dawn, Darksteel, Mirrodin, Onslaught, Classic Sixth Edition, Urza's Legacy, Urza's SagaCards
Date Jan. 15, 2012, 8:37 p.m.