Feature Request: Categories in Editor
TappedOut forum
Posted on Sept. 3, 2016, 4:06 p.m. by rajahten
First off, thanks for the site, it's a wonderful tool.
I was finding myself trying to create variations of decks, and re-entering mana-bases. The whole time I'm wishing I could copy pasta from at least one other deck with a close enough base. I also found myself moving back and forth from editor to the deck page. The visuals of the cards on the deck page are helpful, but it's the categorization that really ends up clarifying. That thought led me to consider having categorization in the editor. I imagined having a tab for each card type, that would replace the single mainboard tab. I'm not sure how it would look, but it would make your card balance much easier to track, and let you swap in different packages very easily. Casual thought, input appreciated.
No, I definitely haven't :) checking into it now....
September 3, 2016 4:19 p.m.
I just want to make sure you know I'm not talking about the custom categories you create by adding "#customcategory" in the card text, but rather referring to the text editor field to the right of the "Quick Add" area. I'm wanting to be able to copy out of the text editor field. I was thinking of adding card type tabs to the 4 tabs already available."Mainboard", Sideboard", "Maybeboard", and "Acquireboard". Let me know if we're thinking of the same thing.
September 3, 2016 4:39 p.m.
And again, thanks for doing this! Aside from Gatherer, this is my favorite MTG resource.
September 3, 2016 4:49 p.m.
ducttapedeckbox says... #6
So you want to sort by card type rather than alphabetical order when editing your deck?
I think this would be helpful - when putting together an EDH deck, I often lose track of how many lands I've added. I have no way of telling how many lands there are without saving and going back to the deck page, only to return to the edit page.
Maybe a quick-add on the deck page itself could help solve this problem?
September 3, 2016 5:54 p.m.
Quick-add would be great, but copying from the edit field is really what I'm after. When you copy from the deck page, you don't copy any formatting added to the card name. It's not a huge bonus to the format type, but it saves work later.
As soon as you save a deck, all entries are rearranged in alphabetical order. If there was a way to organize it by type instead, that would also accomplish what I was thinking of.
September 3, 2016 7:10 p.m.
Have you tried using custom categories and then change the ordering to Custom? What's missing?
yeaGO says... #2
the "board edit" form has categorization. have you looked at that?
September 3, 2016 4:16 p.m.