Feature Suggestion

TappedOut forum

Posted on May 6, 2021, 3:18 p.m. by Melonfun_

I think that with all the new and fancy card arts that WoTC is producing, it would be nice if we could set a default art/set for cards that we use frequently, for example, I could set a setting either profile wide or when first creating a new list, saying that all basic lands added will be a specific art from a specific set. This would remove a lot of annoying time spent editing the card's sets to what you want, and for EDH players, setting a specific art of demonic tutor, counterspell, fetch lands, sol ring, etc., and not having to deal with these very popular cards you add to many decks all the time would be really nice. I tried looking for a feature like this before I posted it but could not find one, hopefully I am blind and it is already here and someone can inform me on it.

That would be very cool and probably pretty hard to code (but then again, I know literally less than zero things about coding).

I myself always use the full-art THB basics--the indisputable best basics in the game--and I would love to have them auto-selected.

May 6, 2021 3:37 p.m.

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