Format additions to our current list
TappedOut forum
Posted on Sept. 16, 2013, 10:02 p.m. by Femme_Fatale
I was thinking we should add the "Emperor" and "One-Body, One-Mind" formats to our list. My group really enjoys both play-styles and it would be nice to make decks based on those formats for others to critique.
Perhaps making two format categories for Emperor, one as "Emperor - General", and one as "Emperor - Emperor", considering the two types are to be played differently and require certain decks to be useful.
I Google'd it and couldn't find it...
Color me intrigued.
September 16, 2013 10:30 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #4
Huh, maybe that is just a format within my own area. I also noticed Two-Headed Dragon wasn't on the list either.
One-Body One-Mind is similar to Two-Headed Dragon, with certain differences. The main one is that the players on one team play as one, they can look at each other's hands and use each other's mana to cast spells. Basically it is meant to be like one player playing multiple decks. However for an easier sense of organization, both players set their field down separately, but are counted as one field with the exception of the library and the hand.
The main other change is targeting. If something says "each player sacrifices a land" then each team of players only sacrifices one land. Effects that say "you" target "your team" with the exception of spells and abilities that targets your hand or library. Same rules apply for target opponent as well.
Of course, this rule set limits certain decks, mainly discard and mill. Though if one player loses due to no cards in their library, then the whole team loses. However, your play group may decide whether or not to add in the library, the hand or both to the field that is counted as one. Hence the minimum deck size would be boosted to a multiple of 60 where that multiple is the number of players in your team. Same can go with the hands. In these rulings, Gitaxian Probe would reveal an entire team's hands instead of just one player. And a discard spell can choose from the entire total hand.
The order for milling will have to be up to the team, as you can't very well put the library's together. A miniature clashing would have to dictate which player mills first, second and so forth and all teams will have to agree on whether or not a spells mill affects only one library or is split. For example, the opponent plays a land with a Hedron Crab on the field, either the first player mills three, or the first player mills one and then the second player mills one till the total number of cards milled requirements are met. Or you could make it so that every library in the team is milled three. The same can be said for hands, discard and draw. Either a completely separate state, a semi-uniform state, or a total uniform state, these states should be agreed upon by your team for both the hand and library before the game starts.
Any number of players on either team can play, though generally 2 vs 2 is standard format otherwise games can get really confusing and skewed to certain decks favor.
September 16, 2013 10:50 p.m.
SwiftDeath says... #6
the one body one mind format seems like it would get out of hand really quickly. I think I did the same thing with my local group though. You start with 40 life like you do in 2HG but you are only one player instead of playing with someone else you play with 2 decks at the same time and the key difference is that you can use mana between each deck.
There is also another game I played once called Nightmare. You start with 10 cards in hand and 2 mana in play you cannot deck out and max hand size is 14. You draw 4 cards a turn and can play 2 mana per turn. If you try to draw and you don't have cards in your library you shuffle your graveyard into your library instead.
September 16, 2013 11:17 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #7
One-Body, One-Mind is undergoing a lot of changes. We want to make it a stationary format, but we have to decide on which state the hand and library will be in and how it will be interacted with. I mentioned what I can remember at the moment, but so far the most popular way to play it is with the hand and library as separate states. It's easier, and games start quicker as the decisions before game don't have to be made.
September 16, 2013 11:36 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #8
As far as 2HG is concerned, I think it's easier to post the deck in the appropriate sanctioned format and mention in the description that it's 2HG. I might make a hub for that.
Epochalyptik says... #2
Emperor is understandable, but I don't think we would need two format categories. If we add any at all, one will probably suffice. The deck description could be used to differentiate them.
I've never even heard of One Body, One Mind before. I have no idea what that even is.
September 16, 2013 10:13 p.m.