How do you add cards you need to your acquire list?
TappedOut forum
Posted on Jan. 28, 2014, 10:27 p.m. by nikollelytle
I have quite a few cards that are at the moment proxied in my decks. How could I post them here to be available for trades from other people?
Epochalyptik says... #2
The Q&A is for rules questions. Moved to TappedOut subforum (which handles site questions).
Your deck's acquireboard can be edited from the general deck edit screen. If you'd like to sync your deck's acquireboard with your binder want list, you can check that option in your settings menu (available from the rightmost dropdown icon in the header bar).
Alternatively, you can manually enter your want list by editing your binder.
January 28, 2014 10:46 p.m.