How do you choose which basic lands show for your deck?

TappedOut forum

Posted on Dec. 16, 2013, 6:42 a.m. by UggyD

I want the lands I actually use to be shown.

acbooster says... #2

Q&A is meant for rules questions for future reference.

When you put the lands in the decklist, you'll simply follow the entry with the expansion code in single brackets. For example, if you use full art Zendikar lands, a swamp would be Swamp [ZEN].

This page has a list of all the expansion abbreviations:

December 16, 2013 7:02 a.m.

smash10101 says... #3

what if you want ZEN swamp 3? Is there a way to do that?

December 16, 2013 11:22 a.m.

Denial048 says... #4

Currently, you cannot choose between the different variations within a set, you are stuck with the image that has been uploaded to the database.

December 16, 2013 2:10 p.m.

smash10101 says... #5

lame. We should get on that Epochalyptik.

December 16, 2013 2:39 p.m.

Matsi883 says... #6

Rarely ever are there multiple images of a card in a set. I don't think that has happened since 4th Edition. So yeaGO! would have to do a lot of unnecessary coding that would only be useful in certain circumstances. If yeaGO! wants to do that, he should do that, but he probably has other things he has to do outside of TappedOut, and, as I've said already, it would take to much time.

NOW, the exception to that is basic lands. There are multiple printings of each basic land in most sets. However, most of those printings are undesirable and unworthy for a deck. The exception to THAT are ZEN full-arts. So, unless yeaGO! wants to do a bunch of coding for 20 cards, that's out. So I have a different solution.

What if we had cards named "ZEN Swamp 1" with a picture of the first full art Swamp . We could have 20 of those and it would all work.

December 16, 2013 4:47 p.m.

smash10101 says... #7

The solution I was thinking of was to have there be an optional tag after the set tag for cards with multiple art. It could basically use the same code the set tag already does. If all the swamps had actual different names there would be problems with the playtester getting too crowded and the card odds being weird. Also, there are the panorama art lands, and the Unlands. And maybe one or two crazy people who made an Omnath, Locus of Mana EDH deck without using two lands of the same art (and are running like, 40 forests).

December 16, 2013 5:06 p.m.

Matsi883 says... #8

But that would cause yeaGO! to have to do a lot of work in implementing those tags.

December 16, 2013 5:11 p.m.

smash10101 says... #9

I think it would be better than doing the Swamp 1 thing. All he would have to do is copy over and adapt the set tag code for an additional tag. It wouldn't even need to check if there was a set tag cause it could just do the thing that untagged cards do and pick a default printing. Then, with Epochalyptik's help, we could go through and add all the extra printings. Then I can finally say which High Tide I have. (And we'd need Epoch for your solution too, so it's not extra work for two busy people, just different work for one of them.)

December 16, 2013 5:21 p.m.

nobu_the_bard says... #10

But Brothers Yamazaki is so lonely!*

It'd be neat to be able to do but I don't think it is particularly important, as there are zillions of different land arts particularly and a lot of them are repeated.

(*He has an alternate art printed in that same set, if you aren't familiar with him)

December 16, 2013 5:25 p.m.

smash10101 says... #11

He's not the only card with multiple arts in the same set. Hence my joke about High Tide , which displays a different art then the one I use.

December 16, 2013 5:36 p.m.

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