ICYMI 7/10 - 7/14 - Recap of Content & News!

TappedOut forum

Posted on July 18, 2017, 11:43 a.m. by abby315

Welcome back to another ICYMI, my weekly breakdown of the videos, articles, and updates you might have missed last week! I'll get right to the sauce.

TappedOut Content

7/10 - The Weekly Modern Tiered List shows Death's Shadow still dominating, but also features a familiar infinite Cat Lady combo in a new Modern shell. Miss Felidar Guardian yet?

7/11 - The LabManiacs Season 2 Episode 2 pits two combo decks versus two stax decks, utilizing two pairs of the wildly popular partner commanders!

7/12 - zandl and his newly-expanded playgroup bust out Pauper commanders in the TappedOut Commander Series Episode 3.

7/13 - berryjon gets into the weeds about the difference between Damage effects and Life Loss effects in Pattern Recognition #36.

News from Wizards

7/5 - I missed this update last week, but on this day some 1v1 Commander bans went into effect on MTGO.

7/10 - Marshall Sutcliffe breaks down the draft archetypes for HOU / HOU / AKH.

7/12 - The Hour of Eternity turns many citizens of Amonkhet into shiny scarab-people, and stabs the rest.

7/13 - Wizards releases an article on Hour of Devastation draft synergies.

7/13 - Community Manager Kristy goes through some Draft Weekend info and does live Pack 1, Pick 1s on Facebook! But FB doesn't let you link videos, so. You'll have to dig for that one yourself if you're a Kristy fan.

Alright friends, that's all I could find for this week's recap! Please let me know if I missed anything in the comments. Have a magical week :)

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