ICYMI 8/21 - 8/25 - CAAATS

TappedOut forum

Posted on Aug. 29, 2017, 10:40 a.m. by abby315

Welcome welcome back to ICYMI, where I provide easy links to MTG news and TappedOut content from the last week! I'm here with my Arahbo, Roar of the World oversize foil, so let's get into it:

MTG News

8/23: The fourth and final Magic Story Podcast for C17 came out, featuring... C A T S!

8/24: WotC wrapped up applications for the Ixalan Geocache hunt. Did any of you participate, or are you planning on going out to find one?? I think it's pretty cool.

TappedOut Content

8/21: The LabManiacs released their August Monthly Stream, where they play with Patreon supporters and try out Shadowborn Apostle glass cannon decks. A good time to be had by all!

8/23: Not to be outdone, the TappedOut Commander Team released the VOD of their C17 Custom Build Stream. Guess who died first?

8/24: Resurrecting a creature type I've only seen in wacky cubes, berryjon talks about the evolution of Licids into Equipments in Pattern Recognition #41!

That's about all I could find for this week (next week will have some GOODIES)! Did any of you pick up the Commander 2017 pre-cons or attend a tournament this weekend? I did both and had a great time! :)

clayperce says... #2

Thanks, as always, for the wrap-up!

One item though, from 8/21: Wizards posted the first official Ixalan cards (and the upcoming FNM tokens).

August 29, 2017 10:49 a.m. Edited.

abby315 says... #3

clayperce: You know something? I THOUGHT that existed, but I couldn't find it! It now says Access Denied. It looks like it was for WPN stores. The cache sadly doesn't have images... but thanks for the heads up!

August 29, 2017 10:55 a.m.

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