ICYMI 8/21 - 8/25 - CAAATS
TappedOut forum
Posted on Aug. 29, 2017, 10:40 a.m. by abby315
Welcome welcome back to ICYMI, where I provide easy links to MTG news and TappedOut content from the last week! I'm here with my Arahbo, Roar of the World oversize foil, so let's get into it:
MTG News
8/23: The fourth and final Magic Story Podcast for C17 came out, featuring... C A T S!
8/24: WotC wrapped up applications for the Ixalan Geocache hunt. Did any of you participate, or are you planning on going out to find one?? I think it's pretty cool.
TappedOut Content
8/21: The LabManiacs released their August Monthly Stream, where they play with Patreon supporters and try out Shadowborn Apostle glass cannon decks. A good time to be had by all!
8/23: Not to be outdone, the TappedOut Commander Team released the VOD of their C17 Custom Build Stream. Guess who died first?
8/24: Resurrecting a creature type I've only seen in wacky cubes, berryjon talks about the evolution of Licids into Equipments in Pattern Recognition #41!
That's about all I could find for this week (next week will have some GOODIES)! Did any of you pick up the Commander 2017 pre-cons or attend a tournament this weekend? I did both and had a great time! :)
clayperce says... #2
Thanks, as always, for the wrap-up!
One item though, from 8/21: Wizards posted the first official Ixalan cards (and the upcoming FNM tokens).
August 29, 2017 10:49 a.m. Edited.