Idea for Improved bar graph/pie chart

TappedOut forum

Posted on Jan. 30, 2012, 3:57 p.m. by DeckBuilder345

Here is something i was thinking about the other day that I thought would be really useful. If we could click on a section of the pie chart, which would allow the bar graph then to display only the items from that section of the pie chart.

Say for instance i wanted to check out my creature curve, separately from the rest of my deck, i would just click on the appropriate section in the pie chart and viola I have just my creature curve being displayed in the bar graph. This would actually be useful information - it helps with building decks in general but truly helps those who have a sealed pool or a draft deck they are trying to put together.

Speaking of sealed, it would be super handy if there was a way to drag and drop stuff as you are trying to build your sealed deck. I would love a little hook say to the right or left of the cards that we could click on and then drag to the maybe or side board. That would make things far easier. You don't want to +/- in a sealed deck because that actually change your card pool which you don't want to do, so that really isn't an option which is why i am suggesting this drag and drop functionality.

Rhadamanthus says... #2

I like the chart/graph idea. Maybe leave the overall bar graph like it is, and then add another graph below the pie chart that shows the characteristics of whatever pie slice is currently selected.

January 30, 2012 5:44 p.m.

yeaGO says... #3

Okay but what if I clicked a bar on the curve chart. Would not the rest of the graphs change? And how would we ever reset ourselves.

January 30, 2012 6:07 p.m.

Rhadamanthus says... #4


January 30, 2012 6:48 p.m.

Syinide says... #5

Say when you click the pie chart, the others you didn't select become almost completely transparent but disappear off the bar graph so we can see the mana curve, without needing to reset whatever?

January 30, 2012 7:19 p.m.

DeckBuilder345 says... #6

You could reset by unclicking the creatures again. Click once in the pie chart and boom graphs go to just creature curve, click creatures again on the pie chart and bam, everything returns to normal ( and you see total mana costs again for your entire deck). Could as suggested above fade the other colors of the types of spells not selected in the pie chart, so that it was clear what you were clicking on.

In the case where you wanted to go from creatures to instants then you could do that by clicking immediately on instants, and then to return to normal you would click on instants again. Another words any selection would take you to that card types cmc bar graph, but if the currently selected display was chosen again, then you go right back to the full deck. With non selected portions of the pie chart fading so you could tell which was currently selected.

January 31, 2012 12:34 a.m.

NoSkillManiac says... #7

just the idea of how to do this in a coding language is making my brain hurt.

January 31, 2012 1:08 a.m.

DeckBuilder345 says... #8

NoSkillManiac pretty sure that they make drugs to help with that. Perhaps you should speak with your doctor and local pharmacist.

Take drugs! Support your local pharmacist! Better living through chemistry!

February 9, 2012 12:35 p.m.

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