Is there anyway to undo accidentally deleted decks?
TappedOut forum
Posted on May 9, 2021, 4:02 p.m. by Noire_Samhain
Just today I was going to delete another deck, when I absentmindedly clicked the wrong box for the wrong deck and didn't register it till I already hit delete. Is it just gone for good, or can somehow it be brought back? I know this is unlikely but one can hope. I also am sorry if this is the wrong forum.
sorry... we do have a temporary delete which should allow you to back out of a deleted deck if you visit it again. otherwise yeah i would just go to google to see if you can get something from cache
May 9, 2021 4:34 p.m.
Noire_Samhain says... #4
Thank you. Figured as much but I wanted to ask first. Oh well, time to remake it.
May 9, 2021 4:37 p.m.
Noire_Samhain says... #6
I used Wayback Machine, found and copy+pasted the description from there and remade the deck by looking through my paper version. Was out of date, but I made do. Thank you, though.
Noire_Samhain says... #2
I own the deck in paper so I can confirm what's in it, its just a humongous pain to rewrite it, and the upvotes and comments and tips from other users would be all lost.
The fact some emails, though those are corporate enterprises, have ways to do so from stuff that was even deleted from the trash bin, gave me some slight hope. Thought I'd ask in case there was anything that could be done, but I knew there was probably a slim to none chance.
May 9, 2021 4:18 p.m.