Just new to the site

TappedOut forum

Posted on Dec. 20, 2014, 3:57 p.m. by Wolf_Lightning

I've been building decks for a while. It looks to me like people on this site can play against each other. I need someone to show me how. I can get into simulations by myself, but have yet to figure out how to play against anyone, or with my own deck instead of a draft deck. Advice and guidance would be most appreciated.

Femme_Fatale says... #2

You cannot play with another person. That would bring the ire of WotC legal system down upon us, and we do not wish to feel the same fate as all the others that they have been targeting. It is solely meant for one person use only, if you want to face decks against each other, open two playtesters at once.

December 20, 2014 4:04 p.m.

Wolf_Lightning says... #3

Gotchya, thanks for the info. Well at least I have a place to make record of my decks and cards in case anything were to happen to them. Also advice on my wife's decks would be helpful. I have much better luck making my own decks simply because I play with them. I was never one to play against myself. I saw there is a place to post events at like comic stores, and such. There is a comic store close to me, but they only do draft decks, and limited leagues. When the back is not being used people could get together for free play id suppose. Ive had Magic party evenings here at my house. I can fit like five around my table. That may be a bit odd for strangers though. And these days I dont know who I can trust. I'm here for answers as well for things my wife and I can not figure out.

And please call me Wolf.

December 20, 2014 5:13 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #4

You could use the broadcast app (the antenna thing) and see if anyone from the site is in your area to play. Perhaps you could get a play group going?

December 20, 2014 5:51 p.m.

Wolf_Lightning says... #5

Thanks for the advice. I'm not going to crowed this forum with new topics. On the graph of the performance of my decks when it says slow what can I do to fix that, and what exactly does it mean?

December 20, 2014 6:06 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #6

Slow means slow mana, like lands that ETBT.

December 20, 2014 6:09 p.m.

Wolf_Lightning says... #7

Huh, apparently the site calculator does not take other extra land or land producing artifacts into consideration that either multiply manna, or give one of any color when tapped. Had that covered. I've got a little issue when I use Platinum Emperion that I just can not find the answer to. When he is in play his card states, "Your life total can not change." if I am attacked am I forced to use my creatures to block since my dice level can not change. What if I'm attacked with all fliers. but have no fliers to block? How can my creatures be dealt damage if they can not block? Any help would be appreciated.

December 20, 2014 6:35 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #8

It says nothing about blockers. All it says is that your life total cannot change. It does not say "Your life total can not change, else you would lose the game." all it says is that your life total cannot change. When WotC says "cannot" it means will not and shall not. So anything that changes your life total, doesn't actually change it. Also, rules questions should be placed in the MtG Q&A.

December 20, 2014 6:40 p.m.

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