List of Bugs and Feature Requests

TappedOut forum

Posted on Oct. 5, 2015, 12:55 p.m. by Femme_Fatale

Old Stuff That is no Longer Relevant Show

ComputerCleric says... #1


If by "checkout" you mean to click the TCGPlayer button, all that does is put the cards directly into the Mass Entry page on TCG, as I was doing before via cut and paste. It does put in Expansion // Explosion correctly though. And, obviously, it's a better way of doing it. I honestly didn't know how that worked. :)

However, it doesn't work as intended.

Instead of showing those MDFC cards as erroneous, it simply doesn't even try to load them into the Mass Entry text field.

With my 100 card deck, it only loads 80. To say that another way, when I click the TCGPlayer button, it only moves 80 cards over to that list.

I see it doesn't load the 14 basic lands I have -- which is both understandable and nice. However, it's missing 6 other cards. 5 of them are definitely the 5 MDFCs I have in that deck. And then, to add to the buglist, it also isn't placing Nexus of Fate into the list.

Hope this is all helpful!

October 14, 2020 7:16 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #2

The single slash thing for split cards is because double slashes broke some things on this site. Double slashes is the code to comment things out (basically making computers and such ignore everything after the double slashes) so I imagine that's the reason why those things broke.

The Nexus of Fate is probably because there's a discrepancy in where Nexus of Fate exists. It has a unique card number and TLA for M19, therefore it gets placed in M19. TCGplayer doesn't do this and connects it by "what kind of promo it is". We don't use individual promo sets since there's far too many and there's no solid consistent way of tracking these throughout history. Thus these don't connect right.

Interesting thing for the MDFC double slashes, TCGPlayer did the same thing with adventures, though it seems they had reverted back that change. I wonder how long it'll take them to revert the MDFCs to a normal naming scheme.

The MDFCs exporting as double slashes for TCGplayer should be possible. However I kind of want to wait on TCGplayer do that change because if TCGplayer did that change in the past with adventures, they'll probably do it again with MDFCs. It'd just save on work for us.

October 14, 2020 9:52 p.m.

ComputerCleric says... #3

That all makes sense.

Seems that the double slash thing could be solved using escape characters or HTML unicode since it has to be in whatever coding language you're using to generate the HTML and not the HTML itself (as HTML comments aren't preceded by slashes), but since I can't actually see the code I don't know the intricacies of it.

(I was an internal webtools/infrastructure developer for software companies for a decade. I lived, ate, and drank Perl, Python, and PHP, but that was my first career, and I'm in my second career now and do much less coding ;) )

Anyway, thanks for all the fast replies. I learned a couple of new features, and I can handle the workarounds until TCG comes around and sees the light. ;)

October 14, 2020 10:04 p.m.

yeaGO says... #4

ComputerCleric using the checkout button on that deck its a lot closer now

October 15, 2020 12:03 p.m.

VampDemigod says... #5

I’m slapping myself. I spend a few months doing whitehat web hacking as a side job, I should know that double slashes break sites. facepalm

October 15, 2020 12:06 p.m.

ComputerCleric says... #6

yeaGO -- Not sure what you mean. Did you mean that something changed and it works better?

It looks identical to me. I click checkout for TCG and it doesn't include any of the 6 cards we've been talking about.

I could have completely misunderstood your comment, though.

October 15, 2020 1:15 p.m.

ellie-is says... #7

The formatting on a bunch of my decks' description is broken, most notably headers and lists. It started happening in the past few days, in some of them after I edited the deck itself without changing the text in any way, and in others after making unrelated changes to the text. No idea why it happened, doesn't seem to be anything on my end, so I'm reporting it as it's probably something to do with the site, though like I said I have no idea what.

Edit: I just thought of replacing the site's formatting (which I should note was working just fine until a few days ago) with html and it worked. So I guess that solves it for me, don't know if anyone else is having the same problem or if it's something that happened to the site as a whole.

October 19, 2020 12:27 a.m. Edited.

ellie-is says... #8

Another update, I just realized a pattern. The non-html formatting breaks whenever I use it after having used html formatting in a description.

Let me see if that happens on a comment also:

  • List
  • Goes
  • Here

HTML Stuff

- List - Goes - Here

Yup, there we go! The same list works before having used certain html codes, and breaks afterwards. Then the only way to have a working list is to use html lists. Hope this bug report helps in some way.
October 19, 2020 11:06 p.m.

I think there should be a "Toolbox" hub for decks that have a lot of different answers that they fetch with tutors or good card selection.

October 23, 2020 7:24 p.m.

Gullara says... #10

Hey, there's a small visual bug in the deck folders screen. The featured card image is misaligned. The top of the artwork is cut off and we can see parts of the text of the card.

Here's a screenshot of what I'm seeing.

October 29, 2020 10:12 a.m.

Tomoneill1991 says... #11

Looks like the token dropdown menu is broken. Clicking on it will throw a Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: # in the console. The dropdown does not expand, blocking users from creating tokens.

This is occuring on Chrome (Version 86.0.4240.111 (Official Build) (64-bit))

Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #
    at (jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2)
    at se.tokenize (jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2)
    at (jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2)
    at [as find] (jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2)
    at S.fn.init.find (jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2)
    at new S.fn.init (jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2)
    at S (jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2)
    at b (bootstrap.min.js:6)
    at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (bootstrap.min.js:6)
    at Function.each (jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2)
se.error @ jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2
se.tokenize @ jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2 @ jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2
se @ jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2
find @ jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2
S.fn.init @ jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2
S @ jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2
b @ bootstrap.min.js:6
(anonymous) @ bootstrap.min.js:6
each @ jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2
each @ jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2
c @ bootstrap.min.js:6
g.toggle @ bootstrap.min.js:6
dispatch @ jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2
v.handle @ jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2
November 6, 2020 3:38 p.m.

feintspectre says... #12

As Tomoneill1991 mentioned above. I'm also noticing that the life and other stat trackers are broken as well. They highlight on hover, but do not function as buttons.

November 6, 2020 6:17 p.m.

Anarrandir says... #13

Others have already noted, but some of the playtester's features aren't working properly. The Life 1, Life 2, Poison, Energy, and Token Menus aren't dropping down when clicked on. In addition, the zone lists (when you click on the word "library" and the like) do not appear to work.

Other menus, namely Tutor Card, Sideboard Swaps, Settings, and Shortcuts, are working properly.

November 6, 2020 6:29 p.m.

ivaggione says... #14

Dropdown problems in the playtest should be fixed. Thanks for the reports.

November 6, 2020 7:50 p.m.

Massacar says... #15

Would it be possible to make the "Date Added" section of a decks page actually show the date the deck was added, and the current information which is the number of days/weeks/or years since that date?

I ask as I will look frequently find that number to be wrong/misleading and I would just like to see the actual date something was put up.

November 9, 2020 1 p.m.

VampDemigod says... #16

Update is stuck on an old version.

It’s on the deck BCC Week 4 | Jhoira of the Ghitu. You can see the new version of the update by clicking on it.

November 20, 2020 10:18 p.m.

LunchBox1211 says... #17

I have a Werewolf Tribal deck (Insert Powerwolf song here). When I playtest it, I have weird problems with the power and toughness of the creatures after I transform them and try to pump them. Feel free to playtest the deck. There are many quirks when I try to use my keyboard to increase power and toughness.


November 20, 2020 11:01 p.m.

VampDemigod says... #18

Drafts redirect to maintenance page.

November 21, 2020 1 p.m.

VampDemigod says... #19

Feature request time!

Any chance we could get an easy way to link forum posts, similar to the ease of linking a deck? Maybe using the double brackets with post:(name) inside?

November 23, 2020 8:34 p.m.

Variants from new sets aren't rendering correctly, instead showing just the base card image. Normal variants like basic lands render fine, but stuff like borderless planeswalkers, showcase frames, etc are just showing the default version when hovering (or as commanders)

Edit: promo basics are having this issue as well (always showing Arena League lands, the default promo lands) while regular set basics aren't. It seems to be a problem for cards whose variants include versions that don't have multiverse IDs

November 27, 2020 12:30 p.m. Edited.

VampDemigod says... #21

Are you selecting the correct variants in deck editor?

November 27, 2020 1:42 p.m.

Yes, I'm selecting and adding the correct variants (example shown -- card format as generated using the variant selector and the result on the deck page)

And this isn't just cards I'm adding now; cards I've previously added to decks that used to render correctly are retroactively breaking and showing the wrong images.

I've checked several of the card fix pages and the correct images are listed on the card variants in the fix page; they're just showing the wrong ones in the hover.

edit render

(Note that Heirarch 352 is the showcase one and that's therefore the wrong image)

November 27, 2020 1:54 p.m. Edited.

VampDemigod says... #23

Hmmmm...@femme_fatale, any idea on this?

November 27, 2020 3:11 p.m.

yeaGO says... #24

it may be a recent bug, looking into it

November 27, 2020 3:14 p.m.

>This this doesn't work

>Wait none of them work

>Oh I see I'm not the first

A story in 3 parts.

Welcome to the pool party n0bunga :), glad to have some company while the site devs are investigating

November 28, 2020 9:12 p.m.

ivaggione says... #26

n0bunga P i o g r e Piogre the bug should be fixed, decks might need to be saved again for it to work. If you have any other problems please let us know here.

November 29, 2020 8:15 p.m.

confirmed cards are showing as intended again, thank you

November 29, 2020 8:18 p.m.

Ahdor says... #28

I need help. For whatever reason, I can't access my deck anymore. It shows me the "tappedout is under maintenance" message. Which can't be true, since I can create this comment in this threat, right? The deck I'm talking about is:

November 30, 2020 4:18 a.m.

Ahdor says... #29

I also can't add any new cards to my collection. :(

November 30, 2020 4:58 a.m.

yeaGO says... #30

you should be able to view it now, it was just missing format. what problem do you encounter adding cards

November 30, 2020 5:06 a.m.

Ahdor says... #31

I still can't view the edgar markov deck. :(

I was able to add one card to my inventory. But when I tried to add the second, it gave me a pop-up with the following error:

There was a problem with that action

Is there any way to add a picture to this comment?

November 30, 2020 5:45 a.m.

LunchBox1211 says... #32

I'm having a problem with my wall. All the comments on them keep getting wiped off. It's a pain, because I like things looking pretty, so I found some code to add a nice outline effect to cards in a decklist. I keep said code in a comment on my wall so I can copy-paste it into new decks, but every now and then (this is the second time this has happened), the comments disappear.

November 30, 2020 10:43 p.m.

I'm having Mutavault show up as over $600 US, but I just ordered one off CardKingdom for $9. Is this a mistake (probably on my part if it is), or did I royally rip off CK?

December 2, 2020 1:46 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #34

Omniscience_is_life: There's more than one mutavault promo, don't have the first one in yet. All the cards that have exactly 2 promos are coming up on my to-do list after I finish all the threes. I just finished up the super series and all the ones with 4 promos.

December 2, 2020 4:19 a.m.

Femme_Fatale duly noted

December 2, 2020 12:01 p.m.

Hmm much bigger problem now: no decks are loading fully for me. They get to a point that I often see when T/O just hasn't finished loading--I can see the list and everything, but the cards aren't live and don't show images, as well as upvotes showing up as 0, and lacking the ability to edit--I've tried a few of the the usual suspects for reloading and such, barring completely restarting my computer (which I'm hesitant to do as the evidence corroborates the fact that the issue lies within T/O)... but haven't had any luck.

December 2, 2020 3:39 p.m.

yeaGO says... #37

Omniscience_is_life on your own decks...? can you link to a problematic one?

December 2, 2020 3:53 p.m.

yeaGO every deck. Don't thinking linking will help but I never pass up a free opportunity to promote: Wait wait wrong egg WRONG EGG | **Primer**

December 2, 2020 5:02 p.m.

yeaGO says... #39

is it still happening? i am able to load that just fine pretty quickly...

December 2, 2020 5:05 p.m.

Yep. I can't be sure if it's my device or the website still, unfortunately. No evidence suggesting either way (although perhaps the fact that no one else is having this issue points towards the former :( ??)

December 2, 2020 8:53 p.m.

Just finally started working again a minute ago. Weird. Wish I could tell you why, but I have no answers

December 4, 2020 1:34 a.m.

LunchBox1211 says... #42

Here is something that I think would be interesting. The ability to choose which tokens are used when playtesting. I realize I might be one of the only people who cares, but it could be implemented like how choosing cards for the deck is. This way, for example, I could use the borderless Commander Legends tokens, even though I'm not running a card from Commander Legends. Just a feature to think about adding in.

Thank you for running this site, it is amazing!

December 9, 2020 10:17 p.m.

jackobytes says... #43

Found another dumb bug doesn't really affect anything but Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator doesn't show up in creature tab but instead the unknown tab when editing a deck with the live edit feature. Just wanted to let someone know.

December 11, 2020 1:30 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #44

jackobytes. It does for me, are you sure you spelled it correctly when putting it in the decklist? There's been a number of mispellings lately that I cannot remove.

December 13, 2020 1:44 a.m.

tallan88 says... #45

I've been getting this Forbidden (403) error every time I try to generate a deck after drafting. I have tried clearing my cache and cookies and I'm not really sure where to go. I thought it was a problem on my end but then it started happening to everyone else in my playgroup. here is a picture of the error.

imgur link

December 14, 2020 3:07 p.m.

yeaGO says... #46

tallan88 sorry, can you try again and make sure you are using https, that should solve it

December 14, 2020 3:42 p.m.

DarkElf69 says... #47

The Competitive Meter was working for like, a day. Can we get it working again?

December 16, 2020 4:35 p.m.

yeaGO says... #48

Where aren't you seeing it? Seems like an intermittent display bug

December 16, 2020 5:18 p.m.

ellie-is says... #49

I found a display bug on some decks at the "Top Ranked" section where some dates in certain decks seem to randomly be in German? One of my decks was displaying "1 Monat ago" a while back (it has since changed to "2 months ago"), and today I noticed this deck is, at least for me, displaying "Achieved #6 position in Commander / EDH Primer 1 Jahr ago" (instead of one year ago).

December 21, 2020 8:34 a.m.

fungus789 says... #50

The mobile app is currently completely unusable. Every time I try opening one of my decks, I get a "Django REST Framework" and "HTTP 401 Unauthorized" error. Please fix this!

December 26, 2020 1:03 p.m.

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