Nested Accordions?
TappedOut forum
Posted on Nov. 4, 2018, 5:41 a.m. by Gwathnar
In an effort to make my primers/write ups on my decks look better I’d like to learn how to code different things.
I know I’ve seen many sub accordion panels within one single heading but I’m unsure how to code this.
Any help?
Hmm, the "code" block seems to be borked somehow. I'll try again later ...
November 4, 2018 8:33 a.m.
Ok, here it is with just a bunch of extra spaces
= = = accordion
= = = panel: Outer Accordion Title 1
Blah blah blah
= = = accordion
= = = panel: Inner Accordion Title 1
Good stuff
= = = endpanel
= = = panel: Inner Accordion Title 2
Bad stuff
= = = endpanel
= = = panel: Inner Accordion Title 3
Ugly stuff
= = = endpanel
= = = endpanel
= = = panel: Outer Accordion Title 2
More blah blah blah
= = = endpanel
= = = endaccordion
= = = endaccordion
clayperce says... #2
Whups, working in the preview and then borked. Lemme try again ...
November 4, 2018 8:25 a.m. Edited.