Nested Accordions?

TappedOut forum

Posted on Nov. 4, 2018, 5:41 a.m. by Gwathnar

In an effort to make my primers/write ups on my decks look better I’d like to learn how to code different things.

I know I’ve seen many sub accordion panels within one single heading but I’m unsure how to code this.

Any help?

clayperce says... #2

Whups, working in the preview and then borked. Lemme try again ...

November 4, 2018 8:25 a.m. Edited.

clayperce says... #3

Maybe this one will stick :-D

November 4, 2018 8:30 a.m. Edited.

clayperce says... #4

Hmm, the "code" block seems to be borked somehow. I'll try again later ...

November 4, 2018 8:33 a.m.

clayperce says... #5

Ok, here it is with just a bunch of extra spaces

= = = accordion
= = = panel: Outer Accordion Title 1
Blah blah blah
= = = accordion
= = = panel: Inner Accordion Title 1
Good stuff
= = = endpanel
= = = panel: Inner Accordion Title 2
Bad stuff
= = = endpanel
= = = panel: Inner Accordion Title 3
Ugly stuff
= = = endpanel
= = = endpanel
= = = panel: Outer Accordion Title 2
More blah blah blah
= = = endpanel
= = = endaccordion
= = = endaccordion

November 4, 2018 8:35 a.m. Edited.

Gwathnar says... #6

Awesome thank you.

November 4, 2018 11:20 a.m.

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