new to this site, have some questions
TappedOut forum
Posted on July 28, 2014, 5:22 p.m. by Tomahawk-Bang
Hi everybody, I joined a few days ago and after doing the tutorials, trying out some of the features this site offers and adding some decks I have a few questions:
There seem to be a few card tags that are not working, for example I tried to add a Kokusho, the Evening Star
and a Divinity of Pride
from the Modern Masters set to my trade binder by tagging the cards with [MMA], but I was always told that it couldn't find the cards. There were more cards that couldn't be found, like four of the Unhinged basic lands. Is there any way to fix this issue. Can I help fixing it somehow?
Can I upgrade my account without using paypal? I do not have a paypal account and don't want to open one if I can get around it.
I have put up two of my draft decks, both contain 40 cards each. It shows those decks as being prototype, even if I untick the prototype it in the deckbuilder. Is it somehow possible that I can remove the prototype status from these decks?
It also shows my EDH deck Ramirez DePietro - Terror of the High Seas EDH as being prototype. Is this because I use an Unhinged card in the deck which is marked as being an illegal card?
Is it somehow possible to tag cards in binders and/or decks as being promo cards?
How can I clear any comments I have made?
hyperlocke says... #3
1) TappedOut's database doesn't contain images from each version of reprinted cards. Upgraded users can submit new artworks.
2) I don't think you can upgrade without PayPal.
3) That seems to be an error. The system probably doesn't have the 40 card minimum for draft implemented. It requires you to check it as prototype even when you checked it as draft. Tagging yeaGO.
4) You use Carnivorous Death-Parrot in your deck, that's why it's illegal (it shows illegal card on the right under the price box. Also, check whether the "Is prototype" box in the edit section is unchecked.
5) No idea.
6) I don't think you can do that.
July 28, 2014 6:17 p.m.
Gidgetimer, if the deck is prototype, it will have an asterisk too even if there isn't any illegal cards (even though in this case it does have)
For example: I have this deck as prototype. It's modern and as you can see, there are no illegal cards and legal formats includes modern: Exalted madness
July 29, 2014 9:21 a.m.
Gidgetimer says... #5
Yeah, the asterisk denotes an incomplete deck. Either a deck that is a prototype or a deck that has illegal cards in it. I should have made it clear that it denotes both prototypes and decks with illegal cards.
July 29, 2014 9:28 a.m.
Tomahawk-Bang says... #6
Thanks for the help so far everybody. It seems that my Ramirez DePietro - Terror of the High Seas EDH deck is marked as prototype for the illegal card in it. I always uncheck the "Is prototype" box in the edit section, but it seems that the box is checked automatically if there is at least one illegal card in the deck.
What is the consequence if a deck is marked as prototype? Will it still be shown if I search for it in the sites deckbuilder?
Also if anybody could confirm that paypal is absolutely necessary for an account upgrade please? I'd really hate to have to open a paypal account, but will consider it if there is no way around it.
July 29, 2014 5:40 p.m.
Gidgetimer says... #7
there are no consequences to it being marked prototype, it just marks decks with illegal cards as such so that people know the decks are not playable in the current iteration.
July 29, 2014 6:01 p.m.
Gidgetimer says... #9
Oh I didn't know that. Apparently I am wrong. Do they still show on the hubs and front page?
Gidgetimer says... #2
The asterisk on your commander deck is marking it as illegal for the chosen format. Your other problems I can't help with.
July 28, 2014 5:53 p.m.