Own deck search option

TappedOut forum

Posted on Aug. 17, 2019, 1:03 a.m. by Vman

This has never been an issue for me before but just today i had a horrible time looking for one of my specific decks in my bulk of 500 lists XD

We have a filter yeah, but maybe its time we got a search deck name option? Alot of my lists on private have specific details that are easy to lookup like

With landbase/archetype name/for friend X

Demarge says... #2

I often just google the deck name and my username.

August 17, 2019 2:47 a.m.

kamarupa says... #3

Yea, I've done that, too Demarge, but that's not a sure-fire solution at all - google fails me all the time, as does Tappedout's own deck search tool, even when I type in the exact name of my own deck, it often fails to show my deck in the results. This is something that's bothered me for a long time, and I'm completely with you, Vman that we need to be able to search our own decks.

Because of the lack of search, a few months ago I archived a few hundred old decklists (which was a pain in the butt in itself) thinking I could filter out archived decks. Which I can, but I have to reset that filter as I cycle through all the pages, so it's actually just made it harder to find the decks I'm looking for! What's the point of archiving at all then? I have no idea.

August 19, 2019 1:54 p.m.

Vman says... #4

kamarupa it gets really hard when you have over 500 lists. I spent ages looking for one of my decklists. Worst part is when ur going through a whole bunch of pages ur bound to miss it the first time XD

August 20, 2019 1:37 a.m.

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