pauper/peasant/noble sorting idea
TappedOut forum
Posted on Sept. 21, 2014, 6:33 a.m. by Sir5L
I know these formats are definitely a more underground and less played formats but could it be possible to have the ordering option be possibly separated into last rarity printed and lowest rarity printed to make or even make rarity sorting by the lowest rarity seeing is only these formats have limitations built by limited rarity based on lowest rarity printed. . I know it's not really the best of interest to put the effort I to doing this ((even though no other formats should be affected by such a change)) but for those formats it would definitely help making deck critique much easier without having to sort the cards and figure out what hasn't already been printed at a lower rarity when it's last rarity was something totally different
ChiefBell it really makes sense doesn't it?. Considering all other formats but these are not limited by what the lowest printing is.
September 21, 2014 8:28 a.m.
For the noble format Your card choices are limited by the lowest rarity the card was printed. As it works kinda like commander where you have immediate access to your 'noble' card that has to be a mythic/rare card so a card like Akroma, Angel of Wrath , a planeswalker or even Red Sun's Zenith . Serra Angel on the other hand can't be your noble card because it was once printed as an uncommon, even though it was once rare, it can't be your noble card. The same works for the rest of the deck where you only have 4 uncommons and the rest are common using the same rule
ChiefBell says... #2
Would be nice to have a sorting option on decks that was 'lowest rarity printed'.
September 21, 2014 7:38 a.m.