Playtest sideboards

TappedOut forum

Posted on Dec. 12, 2011, 8:15 p.m. by omgyoav

As the name suggests this is a request for sideboards to be able to used when playtesting. Not positive what is the best way to implement this but manually editing, which is currently the only option, is definitely not it. An edit list button on the playtest screen letting you drag/drop which cards of your 75 you want to use can work. It could be a box autofilled with your initial 60 and your 15 in a separate box. There are definitely other ways to do this but the current situation is saddening.

burkek says... #2

I actually really agree with this statement. It would make play testing decks against different match ups so much better and more realistic to how it would actually be in a best of three.

I would recommend a system that used a separate pile (like the graveyard or the library) with a player's sideboard in it. That way it could be easily switched out while play testing and the basic coding for the interface might already be there... maybe... since it shouldn't be that much different from the coding for the library.

December 12, 2011 10:33 p.m.

deleteme says... #3

Thanks for the suggestion. Right now I'm working on adding the ability to transform cards and properly flip them, among other things. Maybe when I wrap up this current work I can look into side boarding. It's tricky, I gotta think this one through.

December 13, 2011 10:10 a.m.

burkek says... #4

Just out of curiosity, what is this site coded in?

December 13, 2011 10:32 a.m.

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