Playtest two decks against each other?
TappedOut forum
Posted on June 28, 2012, 2 p.m. by TheOne4221
Is there a way to do this? I feel like when I'm just playing cards turn after turn I'm getting no real test data.
NobodyPicksBulbasaur says... #3
I third that idea. If you've got dual monitors going it works doubly well. If you don't have room on your screen you just tab back and forth between the decks. It's a bit clunky, but it's better than just solitaire mode.
June 28, 2012 3:12 p.m.
Jokernaught says... #5
You can also play a game next to the computer with a physical deck then Have the browser open to play the virtual deck. Or if you have a physical copy of the deck you want to play test, do it against itself.
Latios says... #2
You could open the decks in separate browser tabs, and then playtest them against each other manually.
June 28, 2012 2:31 p.m.