Possible to make older shocks/fetches show up when playtesting?
TappedOut forum
Posted on Oct. 29, 2015, 1:28 a.m. by kengiczar
Just wondering if there is a way to make the the shocks and fetches you see when you play test the ones that were used before the change to Expedition types. The new ones have been hurting my eyes and besides that, since I don't know what the arts are for each new card it's annoying when I am just trying to speed through a goldfishing session to see if my mana/permanent/spell ratios are where they should be.
ducttapedeckbox says... #4
Put the (set abbreviation) within the double brackets, JakeHarlow
JakeHarlow says... #2
In your list, go to the card name you want to swap arts for (let's say it's Polluted Delta), and then make one space and put the set abbreviation after it surrounded by parentheses. So for the card just mentioned, you'd make a space and put "(KTK)" (without the quotation marks). The other art from Khans of Tarkir will appear.
I don't know how to make other arts appear within comments, though. Could anyone help me out with that? yeaGO?
October 29, 2015 2:41 a.m. Edited.